Player’s rebelling/greedy players and agents

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Player’s rebelling/greedy players and agents

Post by Soldier_Of_The_White_Army » Mon Mar 03, 2008 2:08 pm

I've seen it far to much over the last few seasons, and it's something that in most cases really pxsses me off!

Now there are reports that Lampard, Cole, Terry and Co are going to walk if the manager isn't changed. Now, these are of course just reports, but if they're true, just who the bloody ell do these players think they are? What's more to the point, what exacly has Avram Grant done so wrong? Yes, they may only be in third place at the minute, yet he's been having death threats, and now the players are threatening to walk if he isn't replaced!

Surely the owner showed be stepping in here and telling the over hyped pansies to shut the hell up and wind their necks in. They are paid a shxt load of money to play football, and that's just what they should concentrate on. Not board matters. We've seen it before, especially at Newcastle where Shearer seamed to be the owner, manager, coach and player. Can you imagine players in the past trying that on with the likes of Shankly and Cluff?

Players are given far to much status these days, forever having sweet nothing whispered into their ear by Agents telling them they are a god to all mankind.

Then you get the likes of Brown at the scum, crying and publicly whining because he's not quite being paid more a week then most people earn in three years.

Last but not least there are reports of ex footballer receiving help, so they don't end up like poor Gazza, due to all the 'pressure' put on them. Some of today's players should stop waltzing around like movie stars and concentrate on what they are supposedly getting paid for i.e. playing football.

If they don't want to play, get off the fxxxing pitch!!

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