BBC Journalism Highlight of the Day

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BBC Journalism Highlight of the Day

Post by Manny » Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:14 pm

Editor to junior staff member: "A hells angels been shot on the way home from their festival. Quick write me a piece about the history of The Bulldog Bash"

JSM - "....but I don't know anything about it, plus I'm late for my bus"

Ed "Well you're not going home until you write me a full page on the history of The Bulldog Bash"

The above exchange is the only explanation I can think of for the piss poor piece of journoshite that is on the link below.

This is from one of worlds most respected news sources.
I especially like how they have used single line paragraphs with double spaces between them to fill space.

My favourite bits are the large sub-titles of "Stunt Riders" & "Status Quo"

The BBC is so proud of the text that it has put up a photo link on the UK news main page.
The link reads " Bulldog Bash, A history of the bikers' event held near the fatal M40 shooting "

So click the link for a history lesson............. :shock: ... 944093.stm

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