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Post by Batman » Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:55 pm

The pirate rocks

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Post by Luna » Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:58 pm


Everyone is against me! From my family, to that Leperachaun in that movie forum which steals my opinions. Even AC/DC have turned on me! I don't know then personally but they do, becuase they havent released anything for ages. I know theyve stopped now but thats not the point. Also, my English teacher is trying to kill me.

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Post by Mar » Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:44 pm


I hear what you're saying but I don't know what you're asking me for. Although if you want to know something AC/DC have stopped producing because they've discovered internet movie forums from which they're contracting you're English teacher to get at you.

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Post by the_duke » Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:07 pm

why will wigan go down if they do
wigan are #1

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Post by Zulus Thousand of em » Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:12 pm

wigan till i die wrote:why will wigan go down if they do
A dire points shortage - that's what usually does it.

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Post by Mar » Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:37 pm


If Wigan go down it'll be because they never really approached the premiership with any conviction. The teamsheet always makes Wigan look like second favourites.

Wigan need to know they belong where they do and start attracting the sort of players that deserve to play in the premiership. Only way Dave Whelan will manage to sign players is by extortionate wages, something which he isn't too keen to do.

Wigan have relegation fodder written all over them and they know it. If you went into games thinking we can beat this team that might change something.

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Post by Natasha » Wed Aug 10, 2005 10:31 am

Dearest Mar

Why are people so scared to tackle society's problems? They know what the problems are and even have ideas how to improve things but, ultimately, they don't want to get involved. Why is this?

Your friend,
Nat xx

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Post by Mar » Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:33 pm


Sadly societies built around consequences and those willing to do the right thing are all too knowledgeable on the consequences of their actions. I'll give you an example. Some people round our house got spat on and because they hit back and did the right thing IMO they ended up getting a police caution by the people who spat on them. They have been given two now for altercations with the same set of people and one more will according to them will see them out of the house. You do the right thing and get punished, its a sad state of affairs.

The government isn't inclined to do anything to stop this sort of behaviour and its all too easy for assholes to get away with stuff. If only society propped known criminals up on tv and showed some sort of corporal punishment rather than kitting the jails up with tv's and other amusements to keep them busy.

Society has a problem with scally-ish behaviour. Some people won't see it as a problem so the government has to deal with it as varied as possible to keep all people happy. On the same note if I started some sort of vigilante group to remove the scally like presence within surrounding areas i'd be held responsible and not the scallies.

The blame is targetted on all the wrong people. I was watching this program on BBC2 the other day about truants and they were using every excuse in the book to say why kids were bunking off school and the sort of help they were getting to get kids back in school, when to be honest the reason they're skipping school is because more often than not being out of school is more appealing. Truants need a damn good kick up the backside and need to be placed in school.

If they're getting bullied or something then its a problem of the school not of the education authority. It needs to be handled in house rather than letting them get away from learning something other than how to clean up in pizza hut. If we don't force a semi-decent education or a semi-decent lifestyle it'll only end up as societies problems. Heck we're looking at a repeating cycle of 15 y/o preggers on child support with no education and scally kids who they barely give a damn about.

Government isn't set up to do anything about societies problems and as a result neither are the people underneath it.

Even Hungary has a scally problem.


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Post by ratbert » Thu Aug 11, 2005 3:24 pm

Mar, even though I do not drink at lunchtime, I frequently find myself feeling sleepy at work early afternoon. Why might this be the case? Apart from boredom!

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Post by Stevie72 » Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:17 pm

Ratbert - I will make a suggestion as i have had the same problem

First don't eat too heavily and if possible eat little but more often;

Plenty of water;

And me personally a Kylie minogue calender always perks me up...cough... :D

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Post by warthog » Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:45 pm

Ratbert wrote:Mar, even though I do not drink at lunchtime, I frequently find myself feeling sleepy at work early afternoon. Why might this be the case? Apart from boredom!
I can answer that ( says he, whilst trampling on Mar’s toes )

Your problem is caused by low blood sugar levels. This condition is most likely to do with what you have eaten earlier in the day. Certain carbohydrates, such as bread, rice, pasta, cereals and potatoes ( especially baked potatoes ) cause blood sugar levels to rise dramatically. Insulin is then produced in order to stabilise this.

However, the insulin tends to do it’s job too well, and this results in your blood sugar levels being lowered too far, which causes the drowsiness you describe.

The solution is to eat foods which have a low glycaemic index. This is a measure of how fast food is digested. There are numerous sources of information on the internet about this.

Avoid carbohydrates at lunch. Try having chicken and a salad for example. If you have cereal for breakfast then have one which is based on oats. Give the toast a miss. Try snacking on nuts and dried fruit, rather than crisps and sweets. Try these suggestions and within a couple of weeks you should notice a difference.

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Post by Mar » Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:50 pm


I'd suggest taking the approach recommended by Stevie and Ratbert here. The lack of water in the system is a very important feature here. Even the slightest bit hydrated leads to a worse performance from your body. Research suggests that if you were the slightest bit thirsty during a football match you would end up being at around 60% responsive. The same applies to a similar extent but considering you're not running you'll be likely to be at 80%, just enough to make you feel tired but not exhausted.

I had a problem when I was younger where I wasn't drinking enough water. So much so that it required a trip to the hospital and a night or two inside to sort it out. Involved drinking a lot of water, something like 4 litres a day to sort it out. Apparently I wasn't too responsive when I was younger and used to have these periods of unresponsiveness. I can't remember them at all but as far as I know i've never had any since drinking excessive amounts of water a day.

My suggestion to you is to drink whenever you feel the slightest bit tired or thirsty. Cold waters even better as it helps wake the body up and nourish it.

And the crazy thing about all this is, you MUST drink before you drive. Certain levels or tiredness and exhaustion lead to the same effects of alcohol fuelled drink driving. Some water as a pick up makes quite a bit of difference.

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Post by ratbert » Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:08 pm

warthog wrote:Avoid carbohydrates at lunch. Try having chicken and a salad for example. If you have cereal for breakfast then have one which is based on oats. Give the toast a miss. Try snacking on nuts and dried fruit, rather than crisps and sweets. Try these suggestions and within a couple of weeks you should notice a difference.
Thanks guys but... salad??? NOOOO!!!

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Post by Simbo » Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:31 am

Dear Mar,
As the first lady of TW i dont want to contribute however i have to. An X b'friend hit me after i told him i knew he cheated on me and tonight my current love whom i adore with all my heart got hammered and belted me. i love him and will most likely go back to him, i need advice and dont give a shit if its on the net. please help

Simbo with a sore left eye
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Post by pigsfoot » Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:40 am

Simbo wrote:Dear Mar,
As the first lady of TW i dont want to contribute however i have to. An X b'friend hit me after i told him i knew he cheated on me and tonight my current love whom i adore with all my heart got hammered and belted me. i love him and will most likely go back to him, i need advice and dont give a shit if its on the net. please help

Simbo with a sore left eye
Well Simbo I don't know you from Adam, but if a bloke starts hitting you it's time to leave, I've never hit a woman and never will, blokes that do need locking up, they are total wankers :crazy:

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Post by Dujon » Mon Aug 15, 2005 4:19 am

My dearest Simbo,

I really should leave this to Mar, but I was most saddened to hear of your latest with your latest and simply am unable to help myself. When will you women learn? As someone famous once said (can't remember who it was; was it me?) a woman's place is in the kitchen. My place - as a male - is mowing the lawn, fixing the house when it breaks and chatting up birds down at the local. This is the natural state. Anyone who breaks the rules is due for a right bollocking and if that person is silly enough to kick against the pricks then they deserve everything they receive.

Can you, in your wildest imagination, envisage what would happen to me if I refused to perform a grease and oil change on my wife's secateurs? Is it within your perception to visualise me refusing to clamber onto the roof of the house and sweep off the detritus of Mother Nature (without safety harness and risking attack by various birds and feral possums - not that possums are feral, but I'm sure there are a few out there spawned by some strange crossbreeding with Rottweilers)? No, of course you cannot. That's because I'm a bloke and I act like a bloke. You're a woman and, at a guess, you act like such. Are you about to tell me that you've never fluttered your eyelashes at some attractive bloke? Are you going to tell me that you have never worn a garment which was designed to catch the eye of someone of the opposite sex? If you tell me that I'm wrong then it's quite obvious that you're not a woman.

So, let him have his little dalliances and you have your own. Never ever admit to such and never ever castigate him for his. That is a recipe for a long and happy relationship. Well, it is in my case; I've ignored hers and never had one myself. Sad. :cry:

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Post by Mar » Mon Aug 15, 2005 1:25 pm


I came across this in the wee hours of the morning and figured i'd be able to give a better reply today than the half-baked one I was concocting last night. So here goes.

I've always found it difficult to understand when women say they want to stay or go back to someone who hits them, fortunately though i've never had the problem of seeing people for what they are, both my eyes work just fine. And yours should too. If you're finding yourself in a situation that you feel is wrong for you then sooner or later you need to take the plunge and make a choice.

It's easy for me to say leave him, go find something better and live happily ever after, but easy answers don't solve problems. We do messed up things for love. We've all had that newly born gazelle feeling where you don't have a steady footing and those old enough to come out of a few relationships have no doubt come out of those all the better for it. We're all still learning and I don't think anyones got it right enough to delve into other peoples affairs of heart.

But we can try and you can read this with a pinch of salt if you want.

I was in a similar situation where I knew the girl I was seeing wasn't right for me, but I was enjoying myself and was determined not to get swept in and just make it as casual as possible. Now unfortunately I did get swept in and everything seemed to be going great. I was enjoying myself until something happened which threw it all up in the air. Bitter pills are hard to swallow and even harder when you're kicking that very same person out of the house and out of your life. Sure it feels bad and kicks to the groin are more preferable but its a bullet thats better bitten and over time it heals and you're in a better situation for it.

There were times when I felt I wanted to go back and rekindle the better moments. Its a big test of restraint and its going to be for you.

If you leave him, problem solved, quite the heartache but all the better for it and hope you don't make the same mistake of picking the same sort of person. Now there's only a few things that i'm willing to recommend if you don't leave him:

1. Get rid of this phrase 'my current love whom i adore with all my heart'. Heck you know how you feel, he hit you so why are you trying to justify staying with him. Get rid of that phrase and the mentality of loving him for being with him and you'll soon realise how you do feel about him and it will make it a lot easier. So much so that you won't need to justify your decision to anyone.

2. Tell him to seek help for hitting you and his anger whilst drinking. If he's not willing to compromise he's likely to do it again. Alcohol can do dumb things to people but physical abuse is a sign of the person and not of the drink, don't get those mixed up.

3. Don't let him get off easy for hitting you. I don't care what you do as long as it makes an impression. Its not satisfactory to let him get off with an apology and its not worth your while. Do something thats gonna make him think twice next time he goes for a drink or gets in an argument with you.

Think that just about covers it. We all have our crux'es, lets just hope yours isn't staying with people that aren't right for you.

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Post by ratbert » Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:28 pm

Agreed with Mar. Violence against women is unacceptable. Any violence is. If he loves you as much as you say you love him, then why did he hit you?

Dump him Simbo.

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Post by Zulus Thousand of em » Mon Aug 15, 2005 7:09 pm

Yep, and despite all his protestations that he'll never do it again...he will. Get shut.
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Post by Batman » Mon Aug 15, 2005 7:19 pm

cut his balls off

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