Today I'm angry about.....

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Today I'm angry about.....

Post by Prufrock » Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:38 pm

After TD scadalously referred to me as an 'an angry young man', I thought I would contradict this public image by starting what could be known as the rant thread. It's not just for me, oh no, that would be selfish, and anyone else who wants to get things off their chest, here is your soapbox. I shall, however, be making full use of it, which could surprise a few. Seemed a better idea that turning every thread into a shout about 'mentalists' and 'nutjobs', as I may, occasionally do. I know it annoys me when others always turn threads into one particular thing. Though not enough to write a full rant about. Yet.

So, today I'm angry about....

Attitudes to the young.

This was initially sparked by a piece on the radio about Megamuff and British holidaymakers. Predictably this turned into a binge drinking discussion. Predictably this turned into a 'young people are bastards' piece. Several dour sounding middle aged ex-pats came on talking about 'youths' and 'binge drinking', there was even one woman who came on and said "they come over here with just one intention, to get f*cked". I love that, pontification on morally acceptable behaviour from a woman who thinks it's OK to swear in a radio interview. We then had a clip from Gordon Brown saying it concerned him. Now I've been feeling sorry for Gordon Brown recently, he's like a fly you rescue from your drink, but it's wings are f*cked, so it's a dead fly not flying. However the interview just made me remember what an interferring sod he is. Since when did we vote in a PM to become our overlord? MPs seem to have forgotten they are there to serve us, not the other way around. What we choose to do in our own time, if it isn't against the law, and I checked, and having fun isn't yet illegal, is none of their business. It's like they've read 1984 and though 'yeah, there's some good ideas there'. Many of us like a drink, but clearly, getting the vomit fighting stage is not something to be encouraged. No problem with that, my main problem was, apparently, it's only 'youths' who do it. And that we all do it. All the time.

It's quite odd we have the old and young feeling hard done by on the same day, but today is that day. I'm tired of smirked quips about 'young people' and disapproving looks. I live in a country where it happens to rain a lot. As such, I think a hood attached to a jumper is a good idea, and like the fact it negates the need to carry an awkward umbrella around, so I own three 'hoodies'. This doesn't mean I am going to key your car or steal your mother's handbag. It means, when it's rainy, or windy, I like to shelter from the inclement conditions. Occasionally whilst wearing one of these hoodies, hood down of course, I have passed mothers with children who gawp at me and cast me a look, not of fear, but of scorn and disapproval. Since when did we decide we were such judgemental b*stards. I've often remarked about how we spend so long teaching our kids fundamental rules fror life, only to break them angrily, and often, in front of them. 'Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, and two wrongs don't make a right. OOOH. LOOK, a pediatrician, kill the cnut'. 'Don't judge a book by it's cover. Tamilla, stay away from those boys, they're wearing hoooooods!'.

I'm also sick of being patronised. Clearly exams ARE getting easier, to deny thst is foolish. That or each generation has got slowly, and steadily more intelligent, without exception, for twenty-odd years. What this doesn't mean however, is that we are all thick. People moan about kids, and standards, and respects, and I'm always reminded of a line from a Frank Turner song,

"It's bad enough the feeling, the first time it hit,
when you realised you're parents had let the world go to sh*t".

Coz that's who I blame, the parents. One generation of kids is not fundamentally better or worse than another, yet it's the people responsible for moulding th ekids who are the first to complain. You were the ones who voted for Maggie, you were the ones who moved to the city, who flattened youth clubs, killed the unions, killed the community. You chased the greedy dream, butchering society, and now what, you want it back? You're suprised all the kids are bastards? You discovered sex, drugs and rock and roll, followed your dreams, and then when it didn't live up to expectations, you wanted out. Broken homes and irresponsible parents, that's who I blame.

That of course assumes we are all in fact feckless bastards. Yet more and more studies find young people feel patronised. The 16-25 year old group is pissed off, and we'd like you all to stop, and let us be thankyou. W*anker media types 'marketing' TV, magazines, and books at our 'demographic'. And they all seem to have come to the same conclusion. We want violent sex orgies constantly, and cannot concentrate for longer than a minute. Dialogue should be mostly swearing. Perhaps there is something in that, but no-body wantes it wall to wall 24/7. Only two sorts of people watch Hollyoaks. Pervy old men, and students. I think we all know why the men watch it, but why do students watch it? Because they relate to it's gritty reality and raunchy overtones? No, they watch, because it's on. You don't need to make lowest common denominator sh*t, scripted by four monketys in a room with one typewriter, and half an hour till the deadline. The fact that the other staple student show is Countdown shows we aren't averse to things with even a hint of intelectuality. I'm sick of being typecast. Like many people my age, I'm 21. After that we are all individuals, products of our own lives, experiences and parenting. Stop lumping us all together and feeling scared. We shall inherit the earth, and if you keep expecting us to fail, and setting low targets then we may f*ck it up, but it'll be your fault.
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Post by Prufrock » Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:49 pm

thebish wrote:Shouldn't you be vomiting in a bin somewhere - you young hooligan!
I thought it better to finsh this rant now, rather than after I come back in, which might have made any points I made seem a TAD less weighty :D

'Tdoay I'm feck pssied off bout...'

Doesn't quite work.

Now I'm done however, time to go drink me own body weight in Guiness and do a poo on next door's cat. Or something. :pissed:
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Post by Verbal » Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:06 pm

Easy to pigeonhole us young uns - the media do their best at that with every expose they produce per year about summer binging etc. Best one I've seen was the one in the Scottish Sunday Express 'exposing' the survivors of Dunblane as 18 year olds who drink, swear and have facebook. Shaming their lost friends. Bloody hell. Be real.

To be honest, I've mostly stopped caring. The whole 'yoof' demographic is so fractured now that there isn't really any point in tarring them with the same brush. Most of the people at our uni, are, for want of a better description, children of Thatcher - living on a means which was earned for them, not by them. This ain't bad in itself, I mean, no one can help where you're from, but the way they act about it...jesus christ, so incestuous. The popped collars, boating shoes, chinos (who the f*ck wears white chinos?), jack wills couture(?), hair so engrossed in product that it could support the wearer's own bodyweight. If you ain't one of them, you either don't mix or you are "token poor kid" - apparently a synonym for Northern. So it seems anyway.

Either way, the point in all that ^ is that with society being so disparate any way, it's hardly fair to say differences are merely generational. There are class issues as well. And if I'm getting bad vibes from my peers, elders and youngers, it's hardly fair pointing out the previous generation. Or maybe they created the rich kids as well. IDK. I'm quite tired.

Also, I think commie would have a field day with this if he was still on, but meh.
Last edited by Verbal on Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Today I'm angry about.....

Post by Montreal Wanderer » Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:19 pm

KeeeeeeeBaaaaaaab wrote:
Prufrock wrote:We then had a clip from Gordon Brown saying it concerned him......what an interferring sod he is. Since when did we vote in a PM to become our overlord?
Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to be logical, Keeeeeeeeeebaaaaaab - it will be wasted on this thread.
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Post by TANGODANCER » Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:37 pm

Been there, done all that. You still get old at the end of it all. :mrgreen:
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Post by enfieldwhite » Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:44 pm

Righto, here's the news.

Bugger the youth and their binge drinking, hoodwearing cat-shitting ilk. You all fill your time playing Nintendo DS/ Bontempi/ Atari/ Tuitti Frutti games interspersed with spitting out as many sprogs as you can to claim maximum benefits for your 'need now' culture of 56" plasma screen tv's and the latest Nokia i-touch you-touch me-touch phone. Exams ARE getting easier to cope with the dumbing down of the world at large and the street-speak of 'innit' 'y'nawwaamean' and 'ygetme'.

Bugger the old who whinge they are not respected for their views and who cling on to their jobs in the vain hope it keeps them relevent. You've done your bit (most of you) now bugger off, free up some jobs and start wearing Purple!

Spare a thought for us 'Middle aged' ignored and unloved. Too old to frequent clubs, because paying for babysitters that late is the equivalent of a weeks disposable income, and too young to be looking forward to that retirement home in France/Spain/Florida and wondering if the FULL TAX we pay towards our pensions will still be there to spend in 20 years time. Rest assured this, and subsequent, governments will conspire to take every last Shekel.

Everyone happy? No? Thought not.
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Post by KeeeeeeeBaaaaaaab » Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:48 pm

enfieldwhite wrote:Righto, here's the news.

Bugger the youth and their binge drinking, hoodwearing cat-shitting ilk. You all fill your time playing Nintendo DS/ Bontempi/ Atari/ Tuitti Frutti games interspersed with spitting out as many sprogs as you can to claim maximum benefits for your 'need now' culture of 56" plasma screen tv's and the latest Nokia i-touch you-touch me-touch phone. Exams ARE getting easier to cope with the dumbing down of the world at large and the street-speak of 'innit' 'y'nawwaamean' and 'ygetme'.

Bugger the old who whinge they are not respected for their views and who cling on to their jobs in the vain hope it keeps them relevent. You've done your bit (most of you) now bugger off, free up some jobs and start wearing Purple!

Spare a thought for us 'Middle aged' ignored and unloved. Too old to frequent clubs, because paying for babysitters that late is the equivalent of a weeks disposable income, and too young to be looking forward to that retirement home in France/Spain/Florida and wondering if the FULL TAX we pay towards our pensions will still be there to spend in 20 years time. Rest assured this, and subsequent, governments will conspire to take every last Shekel.

Everyone happy? No? Thought not.
Sorry, missed all that. Ws too mesmerised by your cardigan.
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Post by enfieldwhite » Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:51 pm

KeeeeeeeBaaaaaaab wrote:
enfieldwhite wrote:Righto, here's the news.

Bugger the youth and their binge drinking, hoodwearing cat-shitting ilk. You all fill your time playing Nintendo DS/ Bontempi/ Atari/ Tuitti Frutti games interspersed with spitting out as many sprogs as you can to claim maximum benefits for your 'need now' culture of 56" plasma screen tv's and the latest Nokia i-touch you-touch me-touch phone. Exams ARE getting easier to cope with the dumbing down of the world at large and the street-speak of 'innit' 'y'nawwaamean' and 'ygetme'.

Bugger the old who whinge they are not respected for their views and who cling on to their jobs in the vain hope it keeps them relevent. You've done your bit (most of you) now bugger off, free up some jobs and start wearing Purple!

Spare a thought for us 'Middle aged' ignored and unloved. Too old to frequent clubs, because paying for babysitters that late is the equivalent of a weeks disposable income, and too young to be looking forward to that retirement home in France/Spain/Florida and wondering if the FULL TAX we pay towards our pensions will still be there to spend in 20 years time. Rest assured this, and subsequent, governments will conspire to take every last Shekel.

Everyone happy? No? Thought not.
Sorry, missed all that. Ws too mesmerised by your cardigan.
I can still ROCK, young man. Although these days it's in a Tectonic Plate stylee!
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Post by KeeeeeeeBaaaaaaab » Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:04 pm

enfieldwhite wrote:
KeeeeeeeBaaaaaaab wrote:
enfieldwhite wrote:Righto, here's the news.

Bugger the youth and their binge drinking, hoodwearing cat-shitting ilk. You all fill your time playing Nintendo DS/ Bontempi/ Atari/ Tuitti Frutti games interspersed with spitting out as many sprogs as you can to claim maximum benefits for your 'need now' culture of 56" plasma screen tv's and the latest Nokia i-touch you-touch me-touch phone. Exams ARE getting easier to cope with the dumbing down of the world at large and the street-speak of 'innit' 'y'nawwaamean' and 'ygetme'.

Bugger the old who whinge they are not respected for their views and who cling on to their jobs in the vain hope it keeps them relevent. You've done your bit (most of you) now bugger off, free up some jobs and start wearing Purple!

Spare a thought for us 'Middle aged' ignored and unloved. Too old to frequent clubs, because paying for babysitters that late is the equivalent of a weeks disposable income, and too young to be looking forward to that retirement home in France/Spain/Florida and wondering if the FULL TAX we pay towards our pensions will still be there to spend in 20 years time. Rest assured this, and subsequent, governments will conspire to take every last Shekel.

Everyone happy? No? Thought not.
Sorry, missed all that. Ws too mesmerised by your cardigan.
I can still ROCK, young man. Although these days it's in a Tectonic Plate stylee!
Oh, I thought your rocking was due to the Parkinson's Disease.
Last edited by KeeeeeeeBaaaaaaab on Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TANGODANCER » Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:14 pm

Well, that's the universe sorted out in a day then. Seeemple! :wink:
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Post by mummywhycantieatcrayons » Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:00 am

Is it ok to wear Jack Wills if you do so slightly ironically?

Prufrock wrote: Like money hasn't always talked. You might not like it, or disagree, but it's the truth. It's a basic incentive, people always have, and always will want what's best for themselves and their families

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Post by KeeeeeeeBaaaaaaab » Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:16 am

mummywhycantieatcrayons wrote:Is it ok to wear Jack Wills if you do so slightly ironically?

Depends if it's OK to wear a Burberry baseball cap ironically. Which, I'm sure everyone will agree, will be taken as it should - badly.

And if you are wearing Jack Wills as a statement of irony - that's one reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllyyy expensive bit of fancy dress.
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Post by mummywhycantieatcrayons » Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:21 am

KeeeeeeeBaaaaaaab wrote:
mummywhycantieatcrayons wrote:Is it ok to wear Jack Wills if you do so slightly ironically?

Depends if it's OK to wear a Burberry baseball cap ironically. Which, I'm sure everyone will agree, will be taken as it should - badly.

And if you are wearing Jack Wills as a statement of irony - that's one reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllyyy expensive bit of fancy dress.
Not sure it's more expensive than other branded clothing, is it?
Prufrock wrote: Like money hasn't always talked. You might not like it, or disagree, but it's the truth. It's a basic incentive, people always have, and always will want what's best for themselves and their families

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Post by Lord Kangana » Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:27 am

Its at times like these you have to face the difficult choice of either keeping up the fascade of being down with the kids, trawling the internet for every reference to Jack Wills and joining in, or just be brave and ask the simple question: WTF is/are Jack Wills???
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Post by KeeeeeeeBaaaaaaab » Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:30 am

mummywhycantieatcrayons wrote:
KeeeeeeeBaaaaaaab wrote:
mummywhycantieatcrayons wrote:Is it ok to wear Jack Wills if you do so slightly ironically?

Depends if it's OK to wear a Burberry baseball cap ironically. Which, I'm sure everyone will agree, will be taken as it should - badly.

And if you are wearing Jack Wills as a statement of irony - that's one reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllyyy expensive bit of fancy dress.
Not sure it's more expensive than other branded clothing, is it?

That's £300, that is. Not the dummy, just the abomination it's draped in.

They don't have a t-shirt on their website for under £30 (thirty pounds). No shirts for less than £70. No "hoodies" for less than £60. Tie, sir? Sure - £30. Socks? £15 a pair.

If that's average for branded clothing, I fear for our economy.
Last edited by KeeeeeeeBaaaaaaab on Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
RobbieSavagesLeg wrote:I'd rather support Bolton than be you

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Post by KeeeeeeeBaaaaaaab » Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:39 am

Lord Kangana wrote:Its at times like these you have to face the difficult choice of either keeping up the fascade of being down with the kids, trawling the internet for every reference to Jack Wills and joining in, or just be brave and ask the simple question: WTF is/are Jack Wills???
I want to be in your shoes. Unfortunately, I'm not.
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Post by mummywhycantieatcrayons » Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:40 am

KeeeeeeeBaaaaaaab wrote: They don't have a t-shirt on their website for under £30 (thirty pounds). No shirts for less than £70. No "hoodies" for less than £60. Tie, sir? Sure - £30. Socks? £15 a pair.

If that's average for branded clothing, I fear for our economy.
I think your fear is well founded.

But I'm not sure that JW stands out from the pack of branded clothing.
Prufrock wrote: Like money hasn't always talked. You might not like it, or disagree, but it's the truth. It's a basic incentive, people always have, and always will want what's best for themselves and their families

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Post by KeeeeeeeBaaaaaaab » Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:47 am

mummywhycantieatcrayons wrote:
KeeeeeeeBaaaaaaab wrote: They don't have a t-shirt on their website for under £30 (thirty pounds). No shirts for less than £70. No "hoodies" for less than £60. Tie, sir? Sure - £30. Socks? £15 a pair.

If that's average for branded clothing, I fear for our economy.
I think your fear is well founded.

But I'm not sure that JW stands out from the pack of branded clothing.
Do t-shirts really cost £30 nowadays? You see, I've got a Ben Sherman t-shirt on, with a Beatles print on the front. It cost a tenner. I've also got a couple of FCUK t-shirts that cost £12 a pop. They're not that special, but they are nice. And the £30 ones listed from JW are just plain t-shirts with the name "Jack Wills" lazily slapped on there. Are these labels now considered "cut price"?

This isn't sarcastic - this is me worrying that high-price fashion has gone from haute couture to bog standard, and we're a decade away from all being fecked when it comes to buying clothes from anywhere other than Quality Seconds
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Post by mummywhycantieatcrayons » Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:55 am

KeeeeeeeBaaaaaaab wrote:
mummywhycantieatcrayons wrote:
KeeeeeeeBaaaaaaab wrote: They don't have a t-shirt on their website for under £30 (thirty pounds). No shirts for less than £70. No "hoodies" for less than £60. Tie, sir? Sure - £30. Socks? £15 a pair.

If that's average for branded clothing, I fear for our economy.
I think your fear is well founded.

But I'm not sure that JW stands out from the pack of branded clothing.
Do t-shirts really cost £30 nowadays? You see, I've got a Ben Sherman t-shirt on, with a Beatles print on the front. It cost a tenner. I've also got a couple of FCUK t-shirts that cost £12 a pop. They're not that special, but they are nice. And the £30 ones listed from JW are just plain t-shirts with the name "Jack Wills" lazily slapped on there. Are these labels now considered "cut price"?

This isn't sarcastic - this is me worrying that high-price fashion has gone from haute couture to bog standard, and we're a decade away from all being fecked when it comes to buying clothes from anywhere other than Quality Seconds
I'm not really into fashion as such myself, so this is a bit like the near-sighted leading the blind.

All I'm saying is that JW targets an end of the market along with Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, Hugo Boss, Gant etc, and as such, I'm not sure its prices are out of line with the rest of the sector.

The discussion about why a crocodile/pony/whatever makes a polo shirt sell for £50 rather than £10 is certainly interesting, but it's a broader one.
Prufrock wrote: Like money hasn't always talked. You might not like it, or disagree, but it's the truth. It's a basic incentive, people always have, and always will want what's best for themselves and their families

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Post by thebish » Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:16 am

KeeeeeeeBaaaaaaab wrote: Image

That's £300, that is. Not the dummy, just the abomination it's draped in.

They don't have a t-shirt on their website for under £30 (thirty pounds). No shirts for less than £70. No "hoodies" for less than £60. Tie, sir? Sure - £30. Socks? £15 a pair.

If that's average for branded clothing, I fear for our economy.
I half believed the "daughter wandered in and i had to go in to get her" excuse - but now you have pictures of their merchandise and a full stock list with prices... ;-)

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