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MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT - Bolton Children's Hospice appeal.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 12:34 am
by Soldier_Of_The_White_Army
I'm sure most of you have now, already heard of the despicable occurrence that happened at the Bolton Children’s Hospice. If you haven't then it is my sad duty to inform you that it was robbed of everything!

There are things in life that you can get used to, even train your mental state to cope with, but this!! This is beyond understanding or acceptance!!

Now these poor kids, who have already lost so much, are going without this Christmas, right?


The good people over on Bolton Banter have started a campaign to, not just replen what was taken, but dish out a huge black eye the utter scum that did this unbelievable crime, by raising enough money to not only compensate these children in need, but to give them the best Christmas ever! They have nothing, and unless we help, they will have nothing this Christmas.

I urge ever member on T-W to give whatever you can to help in this most needy of causes.

Watch your littleuns open their presents, and see the look on their faces in the knowledge that you helped another child, with nothing and no-one, at least one day of the year, have the same look!

Please, please send your donations here:

Click on the paypal button at the top left of the forum table.

Thank you.