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Stephen Gerrard Charity Fund ... please donate

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:46 am
by bobo the clown
OK, it doesn't add to his diving & cheating, two footed tackles and harranging of referee's and (alledged) beating-up of people in nightclub ... but do footballers ever think that engaging in quite innocuous interviews is a great opportunity to make yourself look a complete prat ?
Steven Gerrard says he has read his favourite book, John Steinbeck's ' ... Of Mice And Men', so many times "the book has almost fallen apart". The Liverpool midfielder also once wrote a story about winning the World Cup at school for an English assignment.
Well buy a new copy, you vacuous git.

Somehow I have this feeling that Stevie's mansion doesn't have rows & rows of booshelves creaking under the weight of classic books. Enid Blyton wrote a lot of stuff, but in the end there are only so many. Maybe the 'Magic Faraway Tree' is an allegory for the Premiership Title ??

... & this one just breaks your heart, doesn't it ?
Gerrard's wife Alex says the credit crunch has put a stop to extravagant spending by WAGs.
Maybe this explains why he can't afford that new book though.

Anyone know the WAG charity address, so I can donate a couple of bob ?