I hope this is OK to Post here: Go Fund Me Page for Jayden

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I hope this is OK to Post here: Go Fund Me Page for Jayden

Post by pafcprogs » Thu Jan 19, 2023 1:11 pm

As an Argyle fan I occasionally post on the (probably temporary) rivalry between various clubs as we challenge for promotion.  I also write a spoof match day review and preview on Pasoui called One Game at a Time.

I recently did so on TWTD ( Ipswich) and I had a private message from an Ipswich TWTD member suggesting I should post something on their board that has appeared on the Argyle board recently. I did so and appreciate his consideration and thoughtfulness and generosity of spirit. As I say I hope it is OK to do the same here.

Some things are bigger than football. I think this is one of them. This young man could have been any clubs supporter. He happens to be a Green.  

https://www.gofundme.com/f/jaydens-drea ... ourney?utm

It is a tough read and as any parent will know, every parents worst nightmare.  

The club have reached out and Jayden and his brother have been invited to be mascots for a future game.  

Many individuals and the Pasoti Good Deeds Fund have also made contributions to help Jaydens family make his memories for as long as he can.  I can add a plethora of generous Ipswich fans to that roll call.

I recognise that there are almost certainly other clubs fans who will experience similar issues. As I say, I was asked to post this on an opponents forum and felt compelled to do so here as well.

I appreciate your time in reading this and for anyone who feels moved to respond in any way to help Jayden I thank you on his families behalf.  

PAFC Progs 

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