Muamba back on the front pages (it's good news for once!)

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Muamba back on the front pages (it's good news for once!)

Post by wanderers_on_tour » Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:03 am ... again.html" onclick=";return false;

Sorry for linking to the website of the devil incarnate but some good news at last for Moo in that he is to be a dad again!!

Didn't know if the news deserved a thread of its own but rightly/wrongly the incident with Muamba will go down as one of the defining moments of our recent clubs history and is one of the only events in which people outside of football will really know the recent Wanderers for.

Anyway best of luck to the couple, both seem like good, genuine people and Fabrice truly was ,and may continue to be, a fine embasador for our club.

(insert cliche 'life goes on','more to life the football here' :wink: )

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