The athletics/running thread

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Gooner Girl
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The athletics/running thread

Post by Gooner Girl » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:18 pm

Went for a run with my friend John after coaching High Jump tonight, didn't go far and i was so slow... am feeling a bit despondant about how much i will have to do if i want to run Cross Country this winter. :?

Anyone else use the nike plus technology or similar to track their runs? Before i had the babies i found it really helped motivate me to run further (got as far as 10 mile runs) but its not had quite the same effect since the pregnancy and my running is a bit sporadic. I need some motivation but i don't know what.

And ideas/tips? Gary? Harry?

(thought this could also be a thread where we chat athletics, running, races, training etc?)

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Gary the Enfield
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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by Gary the Enfield » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:30 pm

I'm constantly looking for ways to improve.

The best advice I have been given is to vary your runs. Just going out and knocking out the miles won't do it.

In a typical week I will do a fast session on Tuesday which will include hills, sprints and core exercises in a continuous 40 to 60 minute session. Thursdays I will run for an hour(ish) at 8.30 to 9.00 minute pace. Saturdays will be more sprints and hills.

Fridays I swim. Sunday I may cycle for about an hour.

By mixing the running pace and throwing a couple of crosstraining sessions I am steadily improving on my times.

Perhaps your conditioning coach could suggest some interval training for you.

I tried using mapmyrun but frankly couldn't be arsed. You could try logging on to runbritain or poweroften websites to get your 'handicap' and see how you compare to other athletes.

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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by Gooner Girl » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:49 pm

Gary the Enfield wrote:I'm constantly looking for ways to improve.

The best advice I have been given is to vary your runs. Just going out and knocking out the miles won't do it.

In a typical week I will do a fast session on Tuesday which will include hills, sprints and core exercises in a continuous 40 to 60 minute session. Thursdays I will run for an hour(ish) at 8.30 to 9.00 minute pace. Saturdays will be more sprints and hills.

Fridays I swim. Sunday I may cycle for about an hour.

By mixing the running pace and throwing a couple of crosstraining sessions I am steadily improving on my times.

Perhaps your conditioning coach could suggest some interval training for you.
Good idea, maybe i will talk to our endurance coach (think he's forgiven me for telling him to shove off the track ;) ) I know the basics of endurance running training (though i'd far rather coach jumps or throws) its just i'm pretty time limited now with the twins and its getting the motivation to get started again and knowing what sort of things will get me motivated (other then chocolate) whether to set some kind of target or enter a race or what.

I used to be able to knock off 5km in training in 24 odd min (nowt great i know but i'm a triple jumper!) now i'd be pushed to do it under half an hour...

Might try some fartlek sessions to get me back in slowly! Sounds like you have a good training programme Martin, not surprised you're cutting time off your pb's! Whens your next race? My club puts on some good races if you fancy a trip to sunny Sussex sometime!

Check out" onclick=";return false; (we were Daley Thompsons first club y'know ;) )

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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by hisroyalgingerness » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:49 pm

I'm sulking because my running to date in 2011 has been buggered with injuries. Firstly I had some knee trouble which I worked through with the physio and as I was getting right I bashed my ligaments doing some canyoning. Like a dick. So massively pissed off because I was really enjoying it.

I found nike plus really helpful. It's a good motivational tool seeing the graphs go up all the time.

Gooner Girl
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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by Gooner Girl » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:51 pm

hisroyalgingerness wrote:I'm sulking because my running to date in 2011 has been buggered with injuries. Firstly I had some knee trouble which I worked through with the physio and as I was getting right I bashed my ligaments doing some canyoning. Like a dick. So massively pissed off because I was really enjoying it.

I found nike plus really helpful. It's a good motivational tool seeing the graphs go up all the time.
Oooh another runner! Do you belong to a club? Sucks about the injuries :( How long are you out for now? What sort of distances did you do before? Track athlete or road runner?

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Gary the Enfield
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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by Gary the Enfield » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:54 pm

Gooner Girl wrote:
Gary the Enfield wrote:I'm constantly looking for ways to improve.

The best advice I have been given is to vary your runs. Just going out and knocking out the miles won't do it.

In a typical week I will do a fast session on Tuesday which will include hills, sprints and core exercises in a continuous 40 to 60 minute session. Thursdays I will run for an hour(ish) at 8.30 to 9.00 minute pace. Saturdays will be more sprints and hills.

Fridays I swim. Sunday I may cycle for about an hour.

By mixing the running pace and throwing a couple of crosstraining sessions I am steadily improving on my times.

Perhaps your conditioning coach could suggest some interval training for you.
Good idea, maybe i will talk to our endurance coach (think he's forgiven me for telling him to shove off the track ;) ) I know the basics of endurance running training (though i'd far rather coach jumps or throws) its just i'm pretty time limited now with the twins and its getting the motivation to get started again and knowing what sort of things will get me motivated (other then chocolate) whether to set some kind of target or enter a race or what.

I used to be able to knock off 5km in training in 24 odd min (nowt great i know but i'm a triple jumper!) now i'd be pushed to do it under half an hour...

Might try some fartlek sessions to get me back in slowly! Sounds like you have a good training programme Martin, not surprised you're cutting time off your pb's! Whens your next race? My club puts on some good races if you fancy a trip to sunny Sussex sometime!

Check out" onclick=";return false; (we were Daley Thompsons first club y'know ;) )

I have an Aquathlon on Saturday (400m swim and a 4.5k run), but my next 10k race will be in September. My 10k PB is 44.08 so I hope to break 44.00 minutes.

Daley Thompson? Pah! I run on the track that Seb Coe trained on. :fingers:

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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by hisroyalgingerness » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:06 pm

Gooner Girl wrote:
hisroyalgingerness wrote:I'm sulking because my running to date in 2011 has been buggered with injuries. Firstly I had some knee trouble which I worked through with the physio and as I was getting right I bashed my ligaments doing some canyoning. Like a dick. So massively pissed off because I was really enjoying it.

I found nike plus really helpful. It's a good motivational tool seeing the graphs go up all the time.
Oooh another runner! Do you belong to a club? Sucks about the injuries :( How long are you out for now? What sort of distances did you do before? Track athlete or road runner?
I did road, and didn't join a club.

I did the Manchester 10k twice, and did the Great North Run. I wasn't massively up for doing another half marathon. I was more keen on going back and doing some "fast" 10k's, and really push the speed rather than distance. But meh, been 7 months now, I'm getting fecked off

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Harry Genshaw
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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by Harry Genshaw » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:03 pm

HRG - I feel your pain mate. Nowt worse than being injured.

Gary that sounds like an almost perfect training schedule to me. I am guilty of neglecting core training and to be honest I could do with one of those core sessions you have up here. Up to now I've tended to avoid anything too technical in my running but I might treat myself to a Garmin some day soon.

I'm just off out in an hour for my first short race (5m) since the trail marathon. I'm not expecting anything special as due to the tapering before and the fatigue since, I've not done a real speed session in over a month.
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Gooner Girl
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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by Gooner Girl » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:50 pm

Let us know how your race goes Harry!

Talking about training, do those of you that belong to clubs have a proper training plan written by your coach for you that you know of? If so, have they talked you through in advance the different mesocycles and microcyles and what you are going to be doing or is it more turn up on the day and do the session? I'm just curious. Am hoping to take the master coach award if it ever comes out and i can ever get my brain working again to do it!

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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by Harry Genshaw » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:05 pm

Did it in 35.55 which I was quite chuffed with as it's a two lap course in Rivington (Hilly part of Bolton) but I was only halfway up in the field and theres definitely room for improvement.

The coaching at my club is turn up and do the sessions. We do a good speed session at the track on Tuesdays and gruelling hill sessions on Thursdays. We did have a coach who would take time with you and work out an individual program but he passed away sadly. The current chap doesn't want to know you if you're not (a) international standard or (b) a hot female. As a result my club is more a collection of individuals running under one name rather than any sort of team.

Good luck with the coaching GG. Once you've got your stripes just remember to take time to give a word of encouragement to everybody whatever their ability - you wont go far wrong then
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Gooner Girl
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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by Gooner Girl » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:19 pm

Are you not secretly a hot female then Harry?! ;) Sorry your current coach is a bit rubbish but its interesting to hear how different coaches and clubs do things. Its really hard to differentiate training when you have a big group of wide ability but with adults i would think the least a coach can do is sit down and talk about each athletes training goals etc and try and tailor something individually towards them.

I've done the first 3 coaching awards, its the 4th, the top, top one i have yet to do (would make me an Arsene Wenger of the athletics world ;) Like the A licence in footy) Theres the general mastercoach award and theres a young athlete specific one which is the one i want to do. Apparantly its pretty equivalant to a masters degree so i am feeling a bit daunted by the ton of paperwork and many years it would take to do it but i reckon it would be good to have something to keep the old baby brain ticking over! Bit scared i will fail though, all sounds well advanced and when it comes down to it i'm only coaching county standard young athletes at a medium sized club (which is fine by me, i like being at grass roots level) but i worry how relevant it would all be so i'm umming and ahhing a bit over it!

You're right though re the word of encouragement, from my own limited training i know how important it is and especially as i am working with kids mainly. Its so rewarding to see them gain confidence and enjoyment in an event. I love coaching! :)

Well done re the run! I'd be well chuffed with that time too!

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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by Bruno3 » Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:35 pm

Speaking as a 60 year old who took up running (just for fun) at 26 when injury said no more football I would suggest the following:
1. Don't do marathons - I did 3 in Bolton and they were killers
2. Run at a pace that feels easy - and then slow down a bit
3. Don't run every day - alternate days will do with alternating "short" and "long" runs - feel free to define these terms yourself
4. Always have a good stretch before you set off
5. Don't bother carrying water with you (unless you're doing 20 miles plus) - you don't need it and it puts an unevenly distributed weight on your body.
6. Feel free to cough and spit copiously - it never ceases to amaze me how much fluid I can generate in this way - where the hell does it all come from?
7. Put your brain in neutral - look at your surroundings - enjoy the scenery.
8. Don't wear earphones - you look a prat

After a run and a shower you should feel exhilerated - not knackered. If you do you're pushing it too far.
I have no coaching badges or 'owt - just experience.

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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by Lofthouse Lower » Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:39 pm

Brand new to running (including 5 a side)

Joined one of those cheap town gyms (£10 a month, bob on) and did my first 10k yesterday on the machine in 1hr 15min, and will be whittling that down to under an hour by the end of the Summer and then carry on from there.

Will be going out on the mean streets too - why can't I have headphones Bruno3?

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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by Dujon » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:17 am

Lofthouse Lower wrote:Will be going out on the mean streets too - why can't I have headphones Bruno3?
I can't answer for Bruno, LL, but I can for myself. As best as I can figure the use of head or earphones seems to disassociate the person using them from their environment and thus become a danger to anyone in their vicinity. The number of times I have met up with a jogger or walker wearing the blasted things are innumerable; the vast majority of those meetings needed all my avoidance skills in order to avert a collision. At about ten yards distance one learns to recognise the symptoms: glazed eyes, erratic tracking, and a gait that'd put a two-legged dog to shame. :mrgreen:

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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by Bruno3 » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:08 am

Dujon wrote:
Lofthouse Lower wrote:Will be going out on the mean streets too - why can't I have headphones Bruno3?
I can't answer for Bruno, LL, but I can for myself. As best as I can figure the use of head or earphones seems to disassociate the person using them from their environment and thus become a danger to anyone in their vicinity. The number of times I have met up with a jogger or walker wearing the blasted things are innumerable; the vast majority of those meetings needed all my avoidance skills in order to avert a collision. At about ten yards distance one learns to recognise the symptoms: glazed eyes, erratic tracking, and a gait that'd put a two-legged dog to shame. :mrgreen:
Took the words right out of my mouth, Dujon, :)

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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by superjohnmcginlay » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:22 am

Lofthouse Lower wrote:Brand new to running (including 5 a side)

Joined one of those cheap town gyms (£10 a month, bob on) and did my first 10k yesterday on the machine in 1hr 15min, and will be whittling that down to under an hour by the end of the Summer and then carry on from there.

Will be going out on the mean streets too - why can't I have headphones Bruno3?
You're supposed to run not walk.

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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by Lofthouse Lower » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:33 am

F you 8)

Got to start somewhere

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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by Worthy4England » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:16 am

I will start a campaign for better omnibus services to help you all out.

In this day and age, no one should be made to run the sort of distances you guys are having to.

I'm quite appalled this is still happening in a modern society.

If I see you on the roadside, I shall give you a lift.

Gooner Girl
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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by Gooner Girl » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:30 pm

Have to say, i personally find listening to music helps me run better. 90's dance music seems to make me run faster for some reason?! Maybe the beat? :conf:

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Re: The athletics/running thread

Post by boltonboris » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:33 pm

Gooner Girl wrote:Have to say, i personally find listening to music helps me run better. 90's dance music seems to make me run faster for some reason?! Maybe the beat? :conf:
It's the rythm.. It subconsciously aids your breathing to a steady rate. Dance music supposedly helps you go a little quicker without getting tired as quickly, because it produces a certain endorphin that releases adrenaline in your body.

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