Innapropriate Behaviour

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Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by Lost Leopard Spot » Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:05 pm

Fifty years ago, almost to the day, an obnoxious prick of a German teacher, whose name temporarily escapes me (although the Grammar school institution he worked for is still firmly embedded in my mind), threw a blackboard duster* at me with a devastatingly accurate aim and enough force to seriously gain my attention.

Should I:
1. Seek out his corpse, get him disinterred and dragged before the courts?
2. Claim compo from the Grammar school/ Department of Education/the UK government/the EU/God.
3. Dob myself in and apologise profusely to all my schoolmates who witnessed both my inexcusable insouciance that led to the incident and may well be scarred for life by the psychological fallout I precipitated, and hope that none of them committed suicide years later as a result.
4. Forgettaboudit. It happened years ago in a different feckin world.

Yours Confused, Bemused, Abused, and Amused.

*PS for the internet generation a blackboard was a kind of mobile phone screen much larger than a tablet. And a duster was a kind of delete key but made of hardware - very hardware - with a wood based format.
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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by Lost Leopard Spot » Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:11 pm

Yeh and I know I've spelt inappropriate incorrectly. It was the blow on the head from the duster that caused it. The bastard.
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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by BWFC_Insane » Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:13 pm

Something happening a long time ago, does not, in any way, excuse abuse.

Abuse that happened 50 years ago that was considered abuse 50 years ago should still be dealt with now. Just because it happened 50 years ago does not diminish the fact it was abuse.

I'm not sure that what you suffered would legally have been deemed abuse 50 years ago. Hence I suspect it is somewhat distinct to many of the recent stories in the media (that I assume, but aren't certain, you are trying to refer to).

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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by Lost Leopard Spot » Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:18 pm

Oh yeh, and he twisted my ear in a martial arts move designed to lift my resistant deadweight twelve year old body back into a seated position after he'd felled me with his shot...(clear evidence of intent, in my humble opinion).
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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by Lost Leopard Spot » Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:25 pm

BWFC_Insane wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:13 pm
Something happening a long time ago, does not, in any way, excuse abuse.

Abuse that happened 50 years ago that was considered abuse 50 years ago should still be dealt with now. Just because it happened 50 years ago does not diminish the fact it was abuse.

I'm not sure that what you suffered would legally have been deemed abuse 50 years ago. Hence I suspect it is somewhat distinct to many of the recent stories in the media (that I assume, but aren't certain, you are trying to refer to).
What I'm referring to is the touching of journalistic knees many years ago, when neither the toucher nor the touchee did anything significant about it back in the day, and yet is dragged before us as some kind of significant event in the here and now. Bollocks to this concept that you can let something lie for decades and then have it resurrected. You either did something about it or you didn't.
[an obvious exception is when threat or intent continue to exert itself to keep past actions from being reported]
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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by Lost Leopard Spot » Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:41 pm

...I'm also excluding from the bollox, where a complaint has been made and subsequently ignored. For example, I think it's quite legitimate that the Armenians continue to bang on about having been subjected to genocidal attempt by the Turks years ago. They are entitled to do that, because they complained about it at the time and were ignored (a bit like Hillsborough).
But, like the 'Nick in Dolphin Square' bollox, it is not legitimate (in my opinion) to jump on bandwagon and complain about behaviour that occurred long ago (supposedly) which you did nothing about at the time.
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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by BWFC_Insane » Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:55 pm

So, for example, a kid was sexually abused by their uncle at 7 years old...said nothing at the time through shame and fear and put it to the back of their mind as their uncle went abroad for a "fresh start". Cannot years down the line bring it back up?

Sorry. I'm unconvinced by any blanket rule here.

What if people were in positions where they were too scared to say anything? Or would lose their job if they said something....

Should what Jimmy Saville did (again as an example) be forgotten and not investigated because it happened "a long time ago"? Not all his victims spoke out at the time, for understandable reasons.

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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by TANGODANCER » Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:01 pm

On the topic (loosely):

Historians are forever uncovering fascinating revelations (could be true facts, supposition, theorising or, without concete evidence, just malicious gossip). One of he latest "revelations"is that because Jane Austen died single and unattached and there is little or no eveidence of her being seriously involved in a relationship with a male,she may have been a lesbian. Now regardless of the fact that the moral code towards women in that era ( two hundred years ago) and in the middle/upper class world (not to mention Jane Austen being the daughter of a man of the cloth) was strict to the point of creating social outcasts in matters of sexual misbehavior outside marriage (didn't quite affect men so much since the principal ruling body at the time, the Prince Regent had a rather more casual view on those things), how does it affect anyone today ( apart from probably being highly distressing to family, she died at 41 aftr suffering ill health for quite some time) or is it really anyone's business? In the long term, only yourself and God know the extent of your lifestyle and bahaviour, and few think Biblical when lust is the flavour of the moment. Within the laws of the land (but perhaps not to a higher authority) the choice is entirely yours in the short term. (but don't forget that Judgement Day clause) :wink:

My point on it all, is that unless it directly affects you, who really (a) cares, and (b) is in the first stone-thrower category that gives immunity and the right to fling the missiles and stir the muck?. How relevant is the fact to history, since it is pure supposition and sensationalism at work.

(Just a quick other observation: If every man who ever touched a woman's knee, accidentally or otherwise, is to be first in the Judgement queue it may take a while to get to the front. Such things had a habit of being resolved without the time-wasting or financial dealings of police and law courts. But hey, ho....).. :|
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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by Prufrock » Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:11 pm

I think it is fine to bring it up. If it was wrong at the time, it was wrong. It doesn't become right because no-one does anything about it.

There is also clearly a scale of unacceptable behaviour from that which is criminal at one end to that which may be misjudged but nevertheless deserving of a bollocking/warning etc.
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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by BWFC_Insane » Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:25 pm

Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:01 pm
(Just a quick other observation: If every man who ever touched a woman's knee, accidentally or otherwise, is to be first in the Judgement queue it may take a while to get to the front. Such things had a habit of being resolved without the time-wasting or financial dealings of police and law courts. But hey, ho....).. :|
What if such knee touching was clearly not desired. And went on for a long time, and was a clear use of power to try and intimidate and make someone uncomfortable?

What if knee touching went on to something else.

Why would you (or anyone else for that matter) want to sweep previous inappropriate behaviour under the carpet?

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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by Lost Leopard Spot » Thu Nov 02, 2017 4:24 pm

Prufrock wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:11 pm
I think it is fine to bring it up. If it was wrong at the time, it was wrong. It doesn't become right because no-one does anything about it.

There is also clearly a scale of unacceptable behaviour from that which is criminal at one end to that which may be misjudged but nevertheless deserving of a bollocking/warning etc.
So I'm to seek out my German teacher from beyond the grave am I? That's your recommendation?
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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by TANGODANCER » Thu Nov 02, 2017 4:36 pm

BWFC_Insane wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:25 pm
Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:01 pm
(Just a quick other observation: If every man who ever touched a woman's knee, accidentally or otherwise, is to be first in the Judgement queue it may take a while to get to the front. Such things had a habit of being resolved without the time-wasting or financial dealings of police and law courts. But hey, ho....).. :|
What if such knee touching was clearly not desired. And went on for a long time, and was a clear use of power to try and intimidate and make someone uncomfortable? What if knee touching went on to something else. Why would you (or anyone else for that matter) want to sweep previous inappropriate behaviour under the carpet?
Here we go, Stone chuckers annonymus leap forth in outrage. Good old Insaney, always on the hypothetical "what if" side of the righteous. ... :roll: .

What's sweeping under the carpet (which I don't remember even vaguely saying anything about) about a woman retalliating with a slap, or even mentioning it to her husband/boyfriend or, if she felt stongly enough about it, tell the police? The point is, why wait at all to report it/complain about it? Some of these "cases" are ....ty years ago. The world was different, things were different, people were different because of the times. Has it suddenly become a trend that so many are coming forth? Let's learn to differentiate between trying to make rules from now apply back ....ty years ago. People laughed at many things, did many things back then that are regarding as sinful now. I've more or less answered my own "why wait?" question; because ....ty years ago was a different world and time machines are for Dr Who fanatics and fiction writers. We knew the rules and standards then, we know them now.

Oh, and before you go there, Jimmy Saville and the rest of the perverts are just a bit different a crime than accidental/deliberate trying it on with another adult. Don't make those comparisons.
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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by BWFC_Insane » Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:11 pm

Thu Nov 02, 2017 4:36 pm
BWFC_Insane wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:25 pm
Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:01 pm
(Just a quick other observation: If every man who ever touched a woman's knee, accidentally or otherwise, is to be first in the Judgement queue it may take a while to get to the front. Such things had a habit of being resolved without the time-wasting or financial dealings of police and law courts. But hey, ho....).. :|
What if such knee touching was clearly not desired. And went on for a long time, and was a clear use of power to try and intimidate and make someone uncomfortable? What if knee touching went on to something else. Why would you (or anyone else for that matter) want to sweep previous inappropriate behaviour under the carpet?
Here we go, Stone chuckers annonymus leap forth in outrage. Good old Insaney, always on the hypothetical "what if" side of the righteous. ... :roll: .

What's sweeping under the carpet (which I don't remember even vaguely saying anything about) about a woman retalliating with a slap, or even mentioning it to her husband/boyfriend or, if she felt stongly enough about it, tell the police? The point is, why wait at all to report it/complain about it? Some of these "cases" are ....ty years ago. The world was different, things were different, people were different because of the times. Has it suddenly become a trend that so many are coming forth? Let's learn to differentiate between trying to make rules from now apply back ....ty years ago. People laughed at many things, did many things back then that are regarding as sinful now. I've more or less answered my own "why wait?" question; because ....ty years ago was a different world and time machines are for Dr Who fanatics and fiction writers. We knew the rules and standards then, we know them now.

Oh, and before you go there, Jimmy Saville and the rest of the perverts are just a bit different a crime than accidental/deliberate trying it on with another adult. Don't make those comparisons.
The world never has been a huge carry on film.

I think it's clear we aren't talking generally about an accidental one off unwanted flirtation. We are talking cases where men in power (and probably women too) have sexually assaulted, or made unwanted advances on other men and women. In the workplace and in other scenarios. Such things may have been ongoing over long periods of time. And made the victim's life miserable for years.

The idea that a 'slap' would have been a possible solution in many of these cases is laughable. Equally 'telling their boyfriend'. It shows a huge lack of appreciation of some of the things being uncovered and the reality of the situations we are talking about.

Sexually abusing kids used to be swept under the carpet and ignored generally by society. That doesn't mean we ignore it now. Nor should we ignore what men like Weinstein have done just because it happened in the past.

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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by TANGODANCER » Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:04 pm

BWFC_Insane wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:11 pm

Sexually abusing kids used to be swept under the carpet and ignored generally by society. That doesn't mean we ignore it now. Nor should we ignore what men like Weinstein have done just because it happened in the past.
Another sweeping statment that's entirely wrong. Sexually abusing children has "never" been ignored generally by society. The only people interested in ignoring it have always been the perverted section of society doing it and covering it up. The rest of society have always been as rightfully outraged as they are now. I asked you not to confuse such crimes of the likes of Saville and co with sexual goings on between of course you did.
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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by Lost Leopard Spot » Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:06 pm

BWFC_Insane wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:11 pm
Thu Nov 02, 2017 4:36 pm
BWFC_Insane wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:25 pm
Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:01 pm
(Just a quick other observation: If every man who ever touched a woman's knee, accidentally or otherwise, is to be first in the Judgement queue it may take a while to get to the front. Such things had a habit of being resolved without the time-wasting or financial dealings of police and law courts. But hey, ho....).. :|
What if such knee touching was clearly not desired. And went on for a long time, and was a clear use of power to try and intimidate and make someone uncomfortable? What if knee touching went on to something else. Why would you (or anyone else for that matter) want to sweep previous inappropriate behaviour under the carpet?
Here we go, Stone chuckers annonymus leap forth in outrage. Good old Insaney, always on the hypothetical "what if" side of the righteous. ... :roll: .

What's sweeping under the carpet (which I don't remember even vaguely saying anything about) about a woman retalliating with a slap, or even mentioning it to her husband/boyfriend or, if she felt stongly enough about it, tell the police? The point is, why wait at all to report it/complain about it? Some of these "cases" are ....ty years ago. The world was different, things were different, people were different because of the times. Has it suddenly become a trend that so many are coming forth? Let's learn to differentiate between trying to make rules from now apply back ....ty years ago. People laughed at many things, did many things back then that are regarding as sinful now. I've more or less answered my own "why wait?" question; because ....ty years ago was a different world and time machines are for Dr Who fanatics and fiction writers. We knew the rules and standards then, we know them now.

Oh, and before you go there, Jimmy Saville and the rest of the perverts are just a bit different a crime than accidental/deliberate trying it on with another adult. Don't make those comparisons.
The world never has been a huge carry on film.

I think it's clear we aren't talking generally about an accidental one off unwanted flirtation. We are talking cases where men in power (and probably women too) have sexually assaulted, or made unwanted advances on other men and women. In the workplace and in other scenarios. Such things may have been ongoing over long periods of time. And made the victim's life miserable for years.

The idea that a 'slap' would have been a possible solution in many of these cases is laughable. Equally 'telling their boyfriend'. It shows a huge lack of appreciation of some of the things being uncovered and the reality of the situations we are talking about.

Sexually abusing kids used to be swept under the carpet and ignored generally by society. That doesn't mean we ignore it now. Nor should we ignore what men like Weinstein have done just because it happened in the past.
So, to cut to the chase, what do you recommend in my case?
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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by Lost Leopard Spot » Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:09 pm

Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:04 pm
BWFC_Insane wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:11 pm

Sexually abusing kids used to be swept under the carpet and ignored generally by society. That doesn't mean we ignore it now. Nor should we ignore what men like Weinstein have done just because it happened in the past.
Another sweeping statment that's entirely wrong. Sexually abusing children has "never" been ignored generally by society. The only people interested in ignoring it have always been the perverted section of society doing it and covering it up. The rest of society have always been as rightfully outraged as they are now. I asked you not to confuse such crimes of the likes of Saville and co with sexual goings on between of course you did.
He always would.
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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by BWFC_Insane » Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:15 pm

Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:04 pm
BWFC_Insane wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:11 pm

Sexually abusing kids used to be swept under the carpet and ignored generally by society. That doesn't mean we ignore it now. Nor should we ignore what men like Weinstein have done just because it happened in the past.
Another sweeping statment that's entirely wrong. Sexually abusing children has "never" been ignored generally by society. The only people interested in ignoring it have always been the perverted section of society doing it and covering it up. The rest of society have always been as rightfully outraged as they are now. I asked you not to confuse such crimes of the likes of Saville and co with sexual goings on between of course you did.
You're right. It wasn't ignored, people didn't turn a blind eye.

That's why likes of Saville and Smith were bang to rights at the time....oh......

You've made my point for me.

What about Weinstein, was that all just 'harmless fun'?

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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by TANGODANCER » Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:19 pm

BWFC_Insane wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:15 pm
Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:04 pm
BWFC_Insane wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:11 pm

Sexually abusing kids used to be swept under the carpet and ignored generally by society. That doesn't mean we ignore it now. Nor should we ignore what men like Weinstein have done just because it happened in the past.
Another sweeping statment that's entirely wrong. Sexually abusing children has "never" been ignored generally by society. The only people interested in ignoring it have always been the perverted section of society doing it and covering it up. The rest of society have always been as rightfully outraged as they are now. I asked you not to confuse such crimes of the likes of Saville and co with sexual goings on between of course you did.
You're right. It wasn't ignored, people didn't turn a blind eye.That's why likes of Saville and Smith were bang to rights at the time....oh......You've made my point for me.What about Weinstein, was that all just 'harmless fun'?
Right. Time to put a few points right: So, I've made yours for you have I? Which point is that then, and who are the "we" who did nothing about it all?
"Harmless fun",you state; is that one from your invention? Only I don't seem to see it anywhere or said by anyone, certainly not by me..
You stated also "abusing childrn had been ignored generally by society". Which society? Not the one I lived in. The ones ignoring/covering it were a section of society far removed from your man in the street. Did you know all about it? Me? till it broke in the media I, like most of "general society" knew nothing about it. Saville was a comedien, TV personality, Smith was an M.P. That's what we knew. Weinstein? Before a fortnight ago I'd never heard of cared about him. How general is that? Point the finger at the law and politicians who could take action on such matters and didn't if you will, not your "general society" who had no power to do anything even if they had known.

And again, you're deliberately equating all the child abuse stuff with a far different kettle. But then...what do I expect in your crusade to be right and prove points.
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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by BWFC_Insane » Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:47 pm

Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:19 pm
BWFC_Insane wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:15 pm
Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:04 pm
BWFC_Insane wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:11 pm

Sexually abusing kids used to be swept under the carpet and ignored generally by society. That doesn't mean we ignore it now. Nor should we ignore what men like Weinstein have done just because it happened in the past.
Another sweeping statment that's entirely wrong. Sexually abusing children has "never" been ignored generally by society. The only people interested in ignoring it have always been the perverted section of society doing it and covering it up. The rest of society have always been as rightfully outraged as they are now. I asked you not to confuse such crimes of the likes of Saville and co with sexual goings on between of course you did.
You're right. It wasn't ignored, people didn't turn a blind eye.That's why likes of Saville and Smith were bang to rights at the time....oh......You've made my point for me.What about Weinstein, was that all just 'harmless fun'?
Right. Time to put a few points right: So, I've made yours for you have I? Which point is that then, and who are the "we" who did nothing about it all?
"Harmless fun",you state; is that one from your invention? Only I don't seem to see it anywhere or said by anyone, certainly not by me..
You stated also "abusing childrn had been ignored generally by society". Which society? Not the one I lived in. The ones ignoring/covering it were a section of society far removed from your man in the street. Did you know all about it? Me? till it broke in the media I, like most of "general society" knew nothing about it. Saville was a comedien, TV personality, Smith was an M.P. That's what we knew. Weinstein? Before a fortnight ago I'd never heard of cared about him. How general is that? Point the finger at the law and politicians who could take action on such matters and didn't if you will, not your "general society" who had no power to do anything even if they had known.

And again, you're deliberately equating all the child abuse stuff with a far different kettle. But then...what do I expect in your crusade to be right and prove points.
I'm not saying everyone turned a blind eye. But reports of child abuse were often ignored, or brushed away by authorities, especially when accusations were of prominent people within communities.

The Catholic Church routinely and systemically hid abuse.

Anecdotally I know of people who reported abuse to their parents and other responsible adults back in the early 70s and absolutely nothing was done.

I'm not saying that every person is guilty or complicit, just that often as a society in the past such accusations were brushed aside and people who had suspicions turned a blind eye in many cases. That isn't up for debate. We know that was the case it is on record.

Also I'm not trying to muddy the waters here. Child abuse is wrong. Abusing men and women is wrong. Using positions of power to make unwanted sexual advances is wrong. Is there anything in that statement you disagree with? Or are you saying - trying to use a powerful postion to force yourself upon people who don't want it, but can't always do anything about it is not really that bad?

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Re: Innapropriate Behaviour

Post by Lord Kangana » Thu Nov 02, 2017 10:30 pm

Because being hit by a blackboard duster is equivalent to being sexually abused.

Theres way too many self-absorbed Richard Littlejohns in the world these days.
You can judge the whole world on the sparkle that you think it lacks.
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