9/11 Conspiracy Theory - Very interesting stuff

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Post by Rip » Sat Aug 20, 2005 9:57 pm

Old news.

The website simply affirms what I thought already.

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Post by mummywhycantieatcrayons » Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:03 pm

Rip wrote:Old news.

The website simply affirms what I thought already.
It's all new to me. What was it you already thought?
Prufrock wrote: Like money hasn't always talked. You might not like it, or disagree, but it's the truth. It's a basic incentive, people always have, and always will want what's best for themselves and their families

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Post by mummywhycantieatcrayons » Sun Aug 21, 2005 12:08 am

This link is for a short video outlining some of the mystery surrounding the Pentagon strike.

Prufrock wrote: Like money hasn't always talked. You might not like it, or disagree, but it's the truth. It's a basic incentive, people always have, and always will want what's best for themselves and their families

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Post by mummywhycantieatcrayons » Sun Aug 21, 2005 12:57 am

Another video, this time covering some of the oddities in the WTC complex. Even though the bloke presenting it is a bit of a Michael Moore-esque figure, it still makes good viewing.

http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/ma ... ndzero.htm

The more I read, the more I am convinced that the Twin Towers were levelled by controlled explosions.
Last edited by mummywhycantieatcrayons on Sun Aug 21, 2005 9:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
Prufrock wrote: Like money hasn't always talked. You might not like it, or disagree, but it's the truth. It's a basic incentive, people always have, and always will want what's best for themselves and their families

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Post by americantrotter » Sun Aug 21, 2005 2:26 am

The Pentagon stuff is interesting. The Twin Towers stuff is utter shite. Thousands of people from across the World lost their lives in that attack. The videos that I have seen are conclusive in my mind. There is no Pentagon footage available to the public however.

Most Americans get very upset about this topic, and it would lead to a rather bad ass whooping to speak of it in public. Particularly here in the Northeast.

I will always remember with extreme pride when the band played the American National anthem at the Changing of the Guard. If you put it on the TV today I would be in tears. ( I was also very touched when something similar happened this year at the baseball all star game and they played God Save the Queen after the London Subway attacks.)

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Post by seanworth » Sun Aug 21, 2005 4:11 am

Saw most of this stuff a year or so ago. While I admit the Pentagon scene is strange, sorry I just can't buy into it, regardless of how convenient it worked for George W Bush and friends. I think the only real question that comes out of this is how much real knowledge did Washington have prior to the attack, and whether they deliberately ignored the information for political motives. Hard to imagine by itself the rest is inconceivable.

As far as respecting people for taking a stab at the truth. In some cases yes, but in many cases these people are taking a stab at their version of the truth, and not the real truth.

There seems to be a potential conspiracy in every event if you want to look hard enough.

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Bruce Rioja
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Post by Bruce Rioja » Sun Aug 21, 2005 10:07 am

OK, I'll tell you. In the cockpit of all American planes there is a spare seat, this seat is known as the Jump Seat. The reason for the spare seat is that an American Aviation Official can, and will, turn up without any prior warning whatsoever to asses the Pilots.

Now then, American Pilots get free air travel when they're not working or when they've dropped a plane off somewhere or whatever. Usually Pilots are offered accomodation in First Class if available, but it is more common for them to ask for the Jump Seat so that they've got someone to talk to.

Bearing in mind that the Hi-jackers were also qualified Pilots, they too asked for the jump seats, then, when in place and the planes were airborne they cut the throats of the original Pilots.
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Blackberry Monkey
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Post by Blackberry Monkey » Sun Aug 21, 2005 10:32 am

mummywhycantieatcrayons wrote:This link is for a short video outlining some of the mystery surrounding the Pentagon strike.


Bloody hell that was a eye opener

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Post by mummywhycantieatcrayons » Sun Aug 21, 2005 10:36 am

Blackberry Monkey wrote:
mummywhycantieatcrayons wrote:This link is for a short video outlining some of the mystery surrounding the Pentagon strike.


Bloody hell that was a eye opener
There is a lot of shite surrounding all this, but I believe that there is something at the core of it all. That video just scratches the surface.
Prufrock wrote: Like money hasn't always talked. You might not like it, or disagree, but it's the truth. It's a basic incentive, people always have, and always will want what's best for themselves and their families

Frankie Wanderer
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Post by Frankie Wanderer » Sun Aug 21, 2005 10:59 am

Blackberry Monkey wrote:
mummywhycantieatcrayons wrote:This link is for a short video outlining some of the mystery surrounding the Pentagon strike.


Bloody hell that was a eye opener
Agreed :shock:
Frankie says " on the day that your mentality catches up with your biology, come round. "

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Post by mummywhycantieatcrayons » Sun Aug 21, 2005 11:43 am

Even if an explanation can be found for the strange-looking photos of the Pentagon, with the curious absence of any plane wreckage, it's the following that I don't understand:
The incriminating anomaly in this timeline is that the US air force did not scramble a single fighter jet to intercept any of the hijacked planes.

A little research into aviation regulations and historical precedent demonstrates that every one of those planes should have been intercepted by jet fighters before it got anywhere near its crash destination. The failure to launch any intercepts is only explainable by a systematic nation-wide stand down of routine air defence procedures. FAA regulations state that if any plane deviates from its flight path, and fails to respond to ATC commands or communications, it is automatically declared an emergency. This is because is it has become a hazard to other planes - even if no malicious intent is suspected. If ATC is any doubt as to whether an emergency exists, it is to be considered as one.

Once ATC has detected an emergency, a request is put through to NORAD for an escort of fighter jets to intercept the plane, investigate the problem, and guide it back to its correct course, via a set of clearly stated procedures. Should the pilot prove unco-operative, the regulations provide the fighter pilots with a graduated range of more aggressive responses, such as firing warning tracers, flying one each side, to force it into the desired flight path - or even shooting down in extreme circumstances. The fighter jets are either scrambled from nearby air bases or else by diverting pilots on training flights to the intercept. It takes only a few minutes to scramble fighter jets, and the process is so routine that in the year leading up to Sept 11, there was an average of 1.6 such incidents weekly across the US. A study of the location of air bases in relation to the flight paths of the hijacked planes, indicates that every plane should have been intercepted before impact. And yet nothing was even scrambled until after the Pentagon was hit.

The most spectacular example is that of the Pentagon strike. Two planes had already hit the WTC by 9.03 and yet this plane was allowed to fly for another 42 minutes, off course towards Washington, untroubled by the world's most powerful air force. Only 10 miles from the Pentagon is Andrews Airbase, a huge installation which is responsible for air defence around the DC area, and maintains two squadrons of fighter jets on permanent standby for this very purpose, since the security of the White House, State dept, Capitol and the City of DC are also at stake. This was not an unforseen contingency. The Pentagon had twice in the last two years conducted drills specifically simulating a plane strike, and for decades, US security services had been wrestling with the potential problem of a hijacked airliner taking a suicide plunge into the Whitehouse.

On Sept 11, they had nearly an hour's warning of the Pentagon attack - and grounded the entire air force - in violation of standard operating procedures that are automatically implemented even in the case of a single plane accidentally deviating from its course with no obviously hostile intent.
Prufrock wrote: Like money hasn't always talked. You might not like it, or disagree, but it's the truth. It's a basic incentive, people always have, and always will want what's best for themselves and their families

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Post by plodder » Sun Aug 21, 2005 6:20 pm

Perhaps that I am just naive enough to believe what I saw on TV the first time. The corresponding evidence at the time, the use of differing eyewitness accounts. The amount of human loss, its just far too much evidence to give credibility to a conspiracy theory.

Now if you are suggesting that Bush then used this disaster as a propaganda exercise to wage the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and to stay in power then I agree wholeheartedly with that.

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Post by Soldier_Of_The_White_Army » Sun Aug 21, 2005 7:19 pm

plodder wrote:Perhaps that I am just naive enough to believe what I saw on TV the first time. The corresponding evidence at the time, the use of differing eyewitness accounts. The amount of human loss, its just far too much evidence to give credibility to a conspiracy theory.

Now if you are suggesting that Bush then used this disaster as a propaganda exercise to wage the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and to stay in power then I agree wholeheartedly with that.
Get out of my head Plodder :lol:

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Post by mummywhycantieatcrayons » Sun Aug 21, 2005 9:27 pm

I'm not suggesting anything about motives or perpetrators. All I'm saying is that a lot of the facts don't add up.
Prufrock wrote: Like money hasn't always talked. You might not like it, or disagree, but it's the truth. It's a basic incentive, people always have, and always will want what's best for themselves and their families

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Post by plodder » Sun Aug 21, 2005 11:00 pm

mummywhycantieatcrayons wrote:I'm not suggesting anything about motives or perpetrators. All I'm saying is that a lot of the facts don't add up.
Sometimes mummy, 1+1=3

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Post by mummywhycantieatcrayons » Sun Aug 21, 2005 11:21 pm

plodder wrote:
mummywhycantieatcrayons wrote:I'm not suggesting anything about motives or perpetrators. All I'm saying is that a lot of the facts don't add up.
Sometimes mummy, 1+1=3
I poured scorn on all of this when I first heard about it. But the fact is that 1+1 does not = 3. Not ever. The fact is steel melts at 1500°C and aviation fuel burns at 450°C. The fact is the Twin Towers were designed to sustain multiple jumbo jet strikes.
Now to the question of the collapse of the WTC towers. The official story that they collapsed from fire and/or impact damage is a physical impossibility. Video of the event shows that the towers did not collapse - they exploded in mid air, and one can see clear evidence of explosive charges running down the buildings, and neatly chopped storey length pieces of steel girder being ejected as far as 70 metres from the building. There are numerous scientific studies which demonstrate that its impossible for them to have collapsed in the pancaking manner cited in the official story.

Firstly, all of the concrete in the towers was totally pulverized into fine dust. The amount of energy needed to achieve this task is quantifiable, and so is the amount of potential energy available in a gravitational collapse. Its insufficient to achieve this pulverization, which means that only an added input of energy (such as explosives) can balance the energy equation.

Secondly, a simple application of the laws of gravity demonstrate that the towers collapsed in a time which was impossible had the top floors been smashing through the lower floors. Excluding air resistance, any object free falls at 9.81m/s sq, regardless of weight. An object dropped from the top of the WTC would have hit the ground in 9.2 secs ( a little longer for air resistance). The towers supposedly collapsed by the method of the top floors smashing through the lower floors, meaning that at each stage of the 110 storey collapse, the falling rubble would have its acceleration significantly slowed by this resistance. But the towers collapsed in 11 secs, virtually a free fall. Although there are too many variables to calculate the exact minimum time possible for a pancake collapse, it would have to be more than 20 seconds. A pancake collapse in 11 seconds is impossible under the law of gravity.

This proves that the entire structure was suddenly and simultaneously converted into a free falling collection of disconnected rubble, something only achievable through the co-ordinated use of demolition explosives. There are also witness reports from fire-fighters who say that they heard bombs going off in the buildings.
There is no way those towers fell down in the way that we have been told. No way. Even if all the details we were told about what hit them is true. No way.
Prufrock wrote: Like money hasn't always talked. You might not like it, or disagree, but it's the truth. It's a basic incentive, people always have, and always will want what's best for themselves and their families

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Post by plodder » Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:11 am

So after last night I got carried away and started researching, copying links and video footage. I'll put it in some order and come back.

Mummy, 1+1=2, I hope. But may be reviewing this as evidence dictates.

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Post by mummywhycantieatcrayons » Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:17 pm

plodder wrote: I'll put it in some order and come back.
Any progress? I've just started looking at all this myself and I'm interested in anything you can turn up.
Prufrock wrote: Like money hasn't always talked. You might not like it, or disagree, but it's the truth. It's a basic incentive, people always have, and always will want what's best for themselves and their families

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Post by americantrotter » Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:50 am

I watched an ace thing on the Discovery Channel explaining exactly how they came down. It was the Jet Fuel burning so hot that it burned the inadequite exoskeleton of the building that supported it. I have a hard time believing that the Discovery Channel was in any way complicit in a Conspiracy. Especially as they air exactly the kind of scientific programs that the current American Administration is disdainful of.

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Post by 50sQuiff » Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:11 am

My favourite little aspect of all the mainstream press reports on why the towers came down is when they write "these towers were built specifically to withstand strikes by multiple jumbo jets" and then conclude by saying "the towers fell because of this completely unpredictable attack".

The BBC did exactly this, along with every other news agency. Their poor excuse for analysis simply isn't credible.

My other personal favourite is the 8 vapourized black boxes which were the first solid-state versions ever to be destroyed whilst an Arabic passport survived intact. It's almost as laughable as the Arabic flight manual or the entire Pentagon incident or.. the list is endless. Even as an apathetic and cynical subscriber to realpolitik I have the utmost respect for these crusading little guys making a bold stab at the truth. I've no time for the people that dismiss them as 'cranks'.

9/11 is possibly the only case where I think the people who refuse to digest a healthy dose of conspiracy theory are naive.

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