Sajid Javid's Taxi Service.

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Re: Sajid Javid's Taxi Service.

Post by Hoboh » Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:59 am

BWFC_Insane wrote:
Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:44 am
Hoboh wrote:
Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:21 am
BWFC_Insane wrote:
Fri Jan 04, 2019 8:27 am
Thu Jan 03, 2019 7:30 pm
"We're all in this together" ...Insaney, you make me laugh, when I'm not crying that is. Our generation (what's left of it) protecting our pensions? Dear oh dear, Pensions? What fxxxxing pensions? Do you mean Familiy Allowance? ..gee, the luxury back then. Who could afford to put savings aside? There are thousands today who never do a day's work, draw all sorts of benefits and are far better off than we are from all our work. Oh, Keep in mind closing the pits down and all those communities left jobless and broke....1992 was that...29 years ago? I was approaching fifty by then. Did our era do that too?

I'm wondering what age group you fall in to talk about our "golden era" and not mean your own joie-de-vivre...? See it was all golden to us; we had dance, rock and roll, a once a week visit to Burnden out of the change in your pocket, the pub and a packet of cigs, and then the sixties hippy era where pensioners were anybody over thirty... All without a mobile phone, Sky package, fifty inch colour T.V contInental holidays or owning any car never mind a new one and thought we were in Heaven . .We moved on had our lives,our kids, earned our breaks and kept on dancing theough it all.( Gee, how many guys in their seventies get to dance on Blackpool Pier, at the last ever night of Bolton Palais and the hallowed turf of the Macron Stadium and all on National T.V.? Golden era...bring it on! :oyea: ) ..

Compare it all to today, and "protecting our pensions" is a joke fit for Comedy Store or somewhere. My tinters are forever rose coloured because I'm just grateful for it all. I want my kids and grandkids to feel the same. Be glad to be alive and thank God for it. Can you say the same?
You don't seem to get it. People born in the 90s will at your age either be working, or dead, in the main. They won't be able to retire.

By the way - who do you think enabled the pit closures and wrecking of communities by voting for Thatcher for 11 years - it certainly wasn't my generation or the millenials that followed me. Don't take it personally - for one you aren't even in the generation I'm describing. And two its wild generalisation.

But the attitude Hoboh has displayed in the post above is exactly what I'm talking about.
You know, I kind of find it really strange that it was all the youth that started off this generation nonsense blaming the older generation for Brexit and all their ills and woes, a point you seem happy to gloss over.
One large problem is the way they can be so easily led up the garden path, remember Corbyn and his tuition fee lies before the last election to gather their votes? The EU and the job situation springs readily to mind, remind me of the youth unemployment in Spain, Italy, France etc. someone is spinning them another yarn. The way they accept as gospel what appears on twitter and Facebook, elevate that pathetic woman Katie Price and others to superstar levels, change or completely ignore history to suit, I could go on.
Maybe it's about time they listen for a change and realise some of us have been there, done that and learned and the most important thing is give something away you'll never get it back!
Brexit has been revealed to be everything the likes of Clegg, Blair et al warned it would be. A complete and utterly miserable clusterfuck. The Brexiteers prominent in the campaign have been exposed as impotent angry little men with no plan and no clue. Just constant, constant bleating and whining.

Yet you accuse 20 somethings of being "led up the garden path". How ironic. How utterly ironic.

I think, what they might be a bit (and rightfully annoyed by) is a decision that takes their rights away has been predominantly made by a group of people who enjoyed those rights for the majority or entirety of their working lives, who benefitted from the improved economy following our joining of the EEC. I guess that they might be a bit peeved that even ardent Brexiteers like Rees Mogg are predicting "a decade or more of economic pain". It won't bother him though, or many who voted for it. LLS on this very website, has said he doesn't care about the economic downturn that even he seems to accept to some extent will occur. But the millenials that you so despise are the people who will suffer through that and have to come out the other side and somehow try to fix the situation. Or make the best of it. My kids will be the ones who potentially end up suffering most. And whilst it was ever thus, this time it feels like there is real, and genuine malice. And let me tell you, it is predominantly one way. You will always have the odd scruffy student shouting the odds. However, rarely have I ever seen so many angry soon to retire men, like you, berating people simply for shits and giggles. When its pointed out, you continue to do so with even more relish it seems.

When you're dead they'll be trying to pick the pieces up. To fix our broken society and planet if that is what it comes to. Some humility and acknolwedgement of that would go a long way.
Now hold on there bald eagle, we until 2016 were never given the chance of anything else!

As for lies, common market ring any bells or WW3?

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Re: Sajid Javid's Taxi Service.

Post by BWFC_Insane » Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:10 pm

Hoboh wrote:
Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:59 am
BWFC_Insane wrote:
Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:44 am
Hoboh wrote:
Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:21 am
BWFC_Insane wrote:
Fri Jan 04, 2019 8:27 am
Thu Jan 03, 2019 7:30 pm
"We're all in this together" ...Insaney, you make me laugh, when I'm not crying that is. Our generation (what's left of it) protecting our pensions? Dear oh dear, Pensions? What fxxxxing pensions? Do you mean Familiy Allowance? ..gee, the luxury back then. Who could afford to put savings aside? There are thousands today who never do a day's work, draw all sorts of benefits and are far better off than we are from all our work. Oh, Keep in mind closing the pits down and all those communities left jobless and broke....1992 was that...29 years ago? I was approaching fifty by then. Did our era do that too?

I'm wondering what age group you fall in to talk about our "golden era" and not mean your own joie-de-vivre...? See it was all golden to us; we had dance, rock and roll, a once a week visit to Burnden out of the change in your pocket, the pub and a packet of cigs, and then the sixties hippy era where pensioners were anybody over thirty... All without a mobile phone, Sky package, fifty inch colour T.V contInental holidays or owning any car never mind a new one and thought we were in Heaven . .We moved on had our lives,our kids, earned our breaks and kept on dancing theough it all.( Gee, how many guys in their seventies get to dance on Blackpool Pier, at the last ever night of Bolton Palais and the hallowed turf of the Macron Stadium and all on National T.V.? Golden era...bring it on! :oyea: ) ..

Compare it all to today, and "protecting our pensions" is a joke fit for Comedy Store or somewhere. My tinters are forever rose coloured because I'm just grateful for it all. I want my kids and grandkids to feel the same. Be glad to be alive and thank God for it. Can you say the same?
You don't seem to get it. People born in the 90s will at your age either be working, or dead, in the main. They won't be able to retire.

By the way - who do you think enabled the pit closures and wrecking of communities by voting for Thatcher for 11 years - it certainly wasn't my generation or the millenials that followed me. Don't take it personally - for one you aren't even in the generation I'm describing. And two its wild generalisation.

But the attitude Hoboh has displayed in the post above is exactly what I'm talking about.
You know, I kind of find it really strange that it was all the youth that started off this generation nonsense blaming the older generation for Brexit and all their ills and woes, a point you seem happy to gloss over.
One large problem is the way they can be so easily led up the garden path, remember Corbyn and his tuition fee lies before the last election to gather their votes? The EU and the job situation springs readily to mind, remind me of the youth unemployment in Spain, Italy, France etc. someone is spinning them another yarn. The way they accept as gospel what appears on twitter and Facebook, elevate that pathetic woman Katie Price and others to superstar levels, change or completely ignore history to suit, I could go on.
Maybe it's about time they listen for a change and realise some of us have been there, done that and learned and the most important thing is give something away you'll never get it back!
Brexit has been revealed to be everything the likes of Clegg, Blair et al warned it would be. A complete and utterly miserable clusterfuck. The Brexiteers prominent in the campaign have been exposed as impotent angry little men with no plan and no clue. Just constant, constant bleating and whining.

Yet you accuse 20 somethings of being "led up the garden path". How ironic. How utterly ironic.

I think, what they might be a bit (and rightfully annoyed by) is a decision that takes their rights away has been predominantly made by a group of people who enjoyed those rights for the majority or entirety of their working lives, who benefitted from the improved economy following our joining of the EEC. I guess that they might be a bit peeved that even ardent Brexiteers like Rees Mogg are predicting "a decade or more of economic pain". It won't bother him though, or many who voted for it. LLS on this very website, has said he doesn't care about the economic downturn that even he seems to accept to some extent will occur. But the millenials that you so despise are the people who will suffer through that and have to come out the other side and somehow try to fix the situation. Or make the best of it. My kids will be the ones who potentially end up suffering most. And whilst it was ever thus, this time it feels like there is real, and genuine malice. And let me tell you, it is predominantly one way. You will always have the odd scruffy student shouting the odds. However, rarely have I ever seen so many angry soon to retire men, like you, berating people simply for shits and giggles. When its pointed out, you continue to do so with even more relish it seems.

When you're dead they'll be trying to pick the pieces up. To fix our broken society and planet if that is what it comes to. Some humility and acknolwedgement of that would go a long way.
Now hold on there bald eagle, we until 2016 were never given the chance of anything else!

As for lies, common market ring any bells or WW3?
Pre EEC membership our economy was a mess. See chart at this link. Since joining we've enjoyed an upward trend as an average. ... &width=602

But my point isn't reopening the debate about the EU its more about whether you care about the generation who will lose their right to work across the EU, suffer the economic downturn potentially and likely work till they die or near as damn it whilst being unable in many cases to ever own their own house? I suspect you couldn't give a stuff. And personally I find that quite upsetting.

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Re: Sajid Javid's Taxi Service.

Post by TANGODANCER » Fri Jan 04, 2019 1:44 pm

Insaney wrote " But my point isn't reopening the debate about the EU its more about whether you care about the generation who will lose their right to work across the EU, suffer the economic downturn potentially and likely work till they die or near as damn it whilst being unable in many cases to ever own their own house? I suspect you couldn't give a stuff. And personally I find that quite upsetting."

What a pompous load of twaddle. Another "You don't get it" post aimed at anybody who doesn't agree with you. People have been working till they died for centuries; long before pensions ever appeared over the hill. My mother and dad didn't have pensions, they had "work or the Dole". And what do you know about what anybody cares or gives a stuff about? We all have kids and grandkids who we care about and want the best for; we do our best to see they get it. Ever heard of "the working class"? It's what made it all in the first place, not your upper class political wizards who supposedly are in office to lead our way, something they haven't managed to do yet after half a dozen centuries..but we're waiting patiently .

Most of us never did manage to find a way to stay out of debt and keep a roof over our heads without working. It's the way of the world. I'd advise you to climb down off your very high horse and stop preaching what folk should and shouldn't do. In truth, you have no more idea than the rest of us. A football fan website is hardly a "save the world" platform; get yourself elected to Parliament and go show em how it's done. I'm a bit surprised you're not already there..
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Re: Sajid Javid's Taxi Service.

Post by BWFC_Insane » Fri Jan 04, 2019 1:59 pm

Fri Jan 04, 2019 1:44 pm
Insaney wrote " But my point isn't reopening the debate about the EU its more about whether you care about the generation who will lose their right to work across the EU, suffer the economic downturn potentially and likely work till they die or near as damn it whilst being unable in many cases to ever own their own house? I suspect you couldn't give a stuff. And personally I find that quite upsetting."

What a pompous load of twaddle. Another "You don't get it" post aimed at anybody who doesn't agree with you. People have been working till they died for centuries; long before pensions ever appeared over the hill. My mother and dad didn't have pensions, they had "work or the Dole". And what do you know about what anybody cares or gives a stuff about? We all have kids and grandkids who we care about and want the best for; we do our best to see they get it. Ever heard of "the working class"? It's what made it all in the first place, not your upper class political wizards who supposedly are in office to lead our way, something they haven't managed to do yet after half a dozen centuries..but we're waiting patiently .

Most of us never did manage to find a way to stay out of debt and keep a roof over our heads without working. It's the way of the world. I'd advise you to climb down off your very high horse and stop preaching what folk should and shouldn't do. In truth, you have no more idea than the rest of us. A football fan website is hardly a "save the world" platform; get yourself elected to Parliament and go show em how it's done. I'm a bit surprised you're not already there..
I think before you call anyone pompous you should examine yourself. Especially in a post where a few lines later you ask me "ever heard of the working class".

Pot and kettle spring very firmly to mind.

You say you don't like facts, but let me ask - IF you could still be alive in 2030 how would you feel if the governments own projection (and remember this is a projection designed to make people BUY INTO IT) of the economy being £100BN a year worse off (so thats fewer jobs, less tax income to spend, worse public services etc) - would you blame someone else? Or would you say "hmmm perhaps this was a bad idea"?

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Re: Sajid Javid's Taxi Service.

Post by Lost Leopard Spot » Fri Jan 04, 2019 2:13 pm

^ Your post Tango hits the nail firmly on the head.

What an entitled, bitter **** BWFCi makes himself out to be, and then complains that he's not entitled enough, because we (the one's who laid the very foundations of the reasons why he's entitled) are enjoying some of the fruits for which he feels entitled, but hasn't done anything himself for the next generation, except moan that he's not got as much as he wants. Jesus fxcking Christ on a penny-farthing!

Do you know Tango that his generation are now moaning that farmers in this country will have a hard time of Brexit because they can't import forced labour from the continent! Ten thousand years after the agricultural revolution that helped us as a species wandering around hunter gathering, and allowed us to settle down and farm... And now we need to IMPORT people to allow us to farm. What a fxcking joke.
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Re: Sajid Javid's Taxi Service.

Post by BWFC_Insane » Fri Jan 04, 2019 2:33 pm

Lost Leopard Spot wrote:
Fri Jan 04, 2019 2:13 pm
^ Your post Tango hits the nail firmly on the head.

What an entitled, bitter **** BWFCi makes himself out to be, and then complains that he's not entitled enough, because we (the one's who laid the very foundations of the reasons why he's entitled) are enjoying some of the fruits for which he feels entitled, but hasn't done anything himself for the next generation, except moan that he's not got as much as he wants. Jesus fxcking Christ on a penny-farthing!

Do you know Tango that his generation are now moaning that farmers in this country will have a hard time of Brexit because they can't import forced labour from the continent! Ten thousand years after the agricultural revolution that helped us as a species wandering around hunter gathering, and allowed us to settle down and farm... And now we need to IMPORT people to allow us to farm. What a fxcking joke.
Well that misses the point spectacularly. I'm not moaning about my own situation. I'm fine and I've spent a lot of time in the past 10 years volunteering to support young people in a variety of ways. I'm lucky - and I've been happy to try and pass that on as and when I can.

If the people born in the 80's, 90's and beyond get the same quality of life, same retirement age, same opportunities then fine. But they are being told, currently and finding currently, they won't. And when they dare to complain they are called all names under the sun. Rather like the drivel you've just tried to write about farming.

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Re: Sajid Javid's Taxi Service.

Post by Harry Genshaw » Fri Jan 04, 2019 7:12 pm

I find it ironic that someone can make a statement that the older generation are responsible for Brexit, which in turn will be responsible for the young living a life in penury and then accuse others of generalising!!

2 things. If all the older generation voted for Brexit, then it's surely the younger generation at fault for the result because they all couldn't be arsed to go out and vote!!

How's Brexit a disaster? It might be and certainly the run up has been a cluster feck but erm - We haven't left yet!
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Re: Sajid Javid's Taxi Service.

Post by Lost Leopard Spot » Sat Jan 05, 2019 5:34 pm

Harry Genshaw wrote:
Fri Jan 04, 2019 7:12 pm
I find it ironic that someone can make a statement that the older generation are responsible for Brexit, which in turn will be responsible for the young living a life in penury and then accuse others of generalising!!

2 things. If all the older generation voted for Brexit, then it's surely the younger generation at fault for the result because they all couldn't be arsed to go out and vote!!

How's Brexit a disaster? It might be and certainly the run up has been a cluster feck but erm - We haven't left yet!
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Re: Sajid Javid's Taxi Service.

Post by Lost Leopard Spot » Sat Jan 05, 2019 5:40 pm

BWFC_Insane wrote:
Fri Jan 04, 2019 2:33 pm
Lost Leopard Spot wrote:
Fri Jan 04, 2019 2:13 pm

Do you know Tango that his generation are now moaning that farmers in this country will have a hard time of Brexit because they can't import forced labour from the continent! Ten thousand years after the agricultural revolution that helped us as a species wandering around hunter gathering, and allowed us to settle down and farm... And now we need to IMPORT people to allow us to farm. What a fxcking joke.
. Rather like the drivel you've just tried to write about farming.
You are the one talking drivel.
Farming: a settled community. Hunter-gathering: a wandering community.
When, ever, in the history of humanity did Farming require unsettled, peripatetic, wandering, travellers TO TOIL THE FXCKING SOIL?
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Re: Sajid Javid's Taxi Service.

Post by Hoboh » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:53 pm

But my point isn't reopening the debate about the EU its more about whether you care about the generation who will lose their right to work across the EU, suffer the economic downturn potentially and likely work till they die or near as damn it whilst being unable in many cases to ever own their own house? I suspect you couldn't give a stuff. And personally I find that quite upsetting.
Right, before I start lets run through a few things.

I probably not unlike yourself think that certain things such as power, water etc should be under government control as I believe they in the national strategic interest, railways? I'm not 100% convinced by, I feel the Unions would be a large threat to a successful business plan in this case.
The NHS, yes it should have more money but it needs massive reform, the stupid amounts it pays for run of the mill drugs and other contracts needs serious reviews and there are still too many chiefs, also it needs to look at just hat it is expected to care for, get smashed on a Saturday and fall over should not be a priority, it is unreasonable to think otherwise. Some things you should just have to pay for.
Tax dodgers, hate them, be it multinationals or extremely wealthy individuals, if there is a tax rate you pay it like normal folk have to do.
The law needs serious reform, lawyers have made a system that suits their business strategy not one that suits justice, judges are drawn from their ranks so in effect it is almost a closed shop.

Now the bits I reckon we will disagree on.
I'm all for certain rights but only rights that come with responsibilities, you cannot expect to freeload through life.
People who are guilty of crime should suffer the full consequences, no ifs, no buts, no bullshit about hard life etc. it just does nothing to deter others from following.
Young ones these days expect to walk into top well paid jobs it never has nor does work like that. I started off in manual work at the bottom, grafted, changed employment and worked my way up with some bloody long 16hr days, paid for my house and am semi retired, a touch earlier than planned due to health problems, so the cottage by the sea is down the spout, the point is anyone can do this, no one handed me anything on a plate, a point you regularly miss.
If you wrap people in cotton wool no matter how bright they are they will be lost in the world and that is what is happening to a lot of the youth these days.
You moan about jobs in the EU for the young or anyone, I know people who worked in Europe log before the EC, EEC morphed into the fast track to federalism EU sprung up, George and his mates, brickies who made more than a few bob in Germany for starters. Anyway the EU does bugger all for youth employment as witnessed by the large numbers unemployed around it's states, it is not the Marxist utopia you dream of.
Anyway, I'm tired and overwhelmed BWFC scored so many today (the whisky helps too) so I'm off to bed.
Good night.

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Re: Sajid Javid's Taxi Service.

Post by Lost Leopard Spot » Sun Jan 06, 2019 4:14 pm

Hoboh wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:53 pm
But my point isn't reopening the debate about the EU its more about whether you care about the generation who will lose their right to work across the EU, suffer the economic downturn potentially and likely work till they die or near as damn it whilst being unable in many cases to ever own their own house? I suspect you couldn't give a stuff. And personally I find that quite upsetting.
Right, before I start lets run through a few things.

I probably not unlike yourself think that certain things such as power, water etc should be under government control as I believe they in the national strategic interest, railways? I'm not 100% convinced by, I feel the Unions would be a large threat to a successful business plan in this case.
The NHS, yes it should have more money but it needs massive reform, the stupid amounts it pays for run of the mill drugs and other contracts needs serious reviews and there are still too many chiefs, also it needs to look at just hat it is expected to care for, get smashed on a Saturday and fall over should not be a priority, it is unreasonable to think otherwise. Some things you should just have to pay for.
Tax dodgers, hate them, be it multinationals or extremely wealthy individuals, if there is a tax rate you pay it like normal folk have to do.
The law needs serious reform, lawyers have made a system that suits their business strategy not one that suits justice, judges are drawn from their ranks so in effect it is almost a closed shop.

Now the bits I reckon we will disagree on.
I'm all for certain rights but only rights that come with responsibilities, you cannot expect to freeload through life.
People who are guilty of crime should suffer the full consequences, no ifs, no buts, no bullshit about hard life etc. it just does nothing to deter others from following.
Young ones these days expect to walk into top well paid jobs it never has nor does work like that. I started off in manual work at the bottom, grafted, changed employment and worked my way up with some bloody long 16hr days, paid for my house and am semi retired, a touch earlier than planned due to health problems, so the cottage by the sea is down the spout, the point is anyone can do this, no one handed me anything on a plate, a point you regularly miss.
If you wrap people in cotton wool no matter how bright they are they will be lost in the world and that is what is happening to a lot of the youth these days.
You moan about jobs in the EU for the young or anyone, I know people who worked in Europe log before the EC, EEC morphed into the fast track to federalism EU sprung up, George and his mates, brickies who made more than a few bob in Germany for starters. Anyway the EU does bugger all for youth employment as witnessed by the large numbers unemployed around it's states, it is not the Marxist utopia you dream of.
Anyway, I'm tired and overwhelmed BWFC scored so many today (the whisky helps too) so I'm off to bed.
Good night.
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Re: Sajid Javid's Taxi Service.

Post by BWFC_Insane » Tue Jan 08, 2019 10:14 am

Hoboh wrote:
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:53 pm
But my point isn't reopening the debate about the EU its more about whether you care about the generation who will lose their right to work across the EU, suffer the economic downturn potentially and likely work till they die or near as damn it whilst being unable in many cases to ever own their own house? I suspect you couldn't give a stuff. And personally I find that quite upsetting.
Right, before I start lets run through a few things.

I probably not unlike yourself think that certain things such as power, water etc should be under government control as I believe they in the national strategic interest, railways? I'm not 100% convinced by, I feel the Unions would be a large threat to a successful business plan in this case.
The NHS, yes it should have more money but it needs massive reform, the stupid amounts it pays for run of the mill drugs and other contracts needs serious reviews and there are still too many chiefs, also it needs to look at just hat it is expected to care for, get smashed on a Saturday and fall over should not be a priority, it is unreasonable to think otherwise. Some things you should just have to pay for.
Tax dodgers, hate them, be it multinationals or extremely wealthy individuals, if there is a tax rate you pay it like normal folk have to do.
The law needs serious reform, lawyers have made a system that suits their business strategy not one that suits justice, judges are drawn from their ranks so in effect it is almost a closed shop.

Now the bits I reckon we will disagree on.
I'm all for certain rights but only rights that come with responsibilities, you cannot expect to freeload through life.
People who are guilty of crime should suffer the full consequences, no ifs, no buts, no bullshit about hard life etc. it just does nothing to deter others from following.
Young ones these days expect to walk into top well paid jobs it never has nor does work like that. I started off in manual work at the bottom, grafted, changed employment and worked my way up with some bloody long 16hr days, paid for my house and am semi retired, a touch earlier than planned due to health problems, so the cottage by the sea is down the spout, the point is anyone can do this, no one handed me anything on a plate, a point you regularly miss.
If you wrap people in cotton wool no matter how bright they are they will be lost in the world and that is what is happening to a lot of the youth these days.
You moan about jobs in the EU for the young or anyone, I know people who worked in Europe log before the EC, EEC morphed into the fast track to federalism EU sprung up, George and his mates, brickies who made more than a few bob in Germany for starters. Anyway the EU does bugger all for youth employment as witnessed by the large numbers unemployed around it's states, it is not the Marxist utopia you dream of.
Anyway, I'm tired and overwhelmed BWFC scored so many today (the whisky helps too) so I'm off to bed.
Good night.
I don't necessarily agree/disagree with things in those lists as you expected.

The NHS - which I know quite a lot about is massively mis-represented and the main issues stem from the horrendous management of it from government - Blair introduced the internal market (a mess especially initially), Lansley's reforms took what was a well functioning (if a little bloated) NHS and ripped it to shreds taking it back a decade or more (I note on the quiet the Tories are now looking at ripping up those changes - again all this and what cost?).

As for crime - well, the evidence states that harsher sentences do not deter crime. I prefer to refer to the extensive evidence produced on this and as much as I get the emotional gut reaction of revenge, it simply does not work in the long run. Much crime needs to be dealt with as a social problem. We've not tackled problem social groups in our society or our overall social problems.

It might surprise you but I actually think ONE area where "PC" (its not really PC - just general societal changes) has gone mad is children. You are more likely to see a stranger intervene if they see a parent admonish their child in public than you are if they see a group of kids harassing someone. That is a societal problem. We have been conditioned to IMO overly sensitive in some cases to children and some of that indulgence is no doubt contributing to some of our wider social issues. I'm not advocating children being beaten either. Just that the balance of discipline and control by parents and schools has gone out of kilter.

As for young people "expecting to walk into a top end job" - I think this is not the reality but a perception on how the world has changed. Very, very rarely nowadays can you "start a career from the bottom". It simply doesn't happen. Kids are paying a lot of money for degrees and do so in the expectation of a "graduate job". The problem is clear - there is a saturation in that job market. But also, the jobs that used to be starter career roles simply do not exist anymore, or certainly not in the same numbers.

I get that some do seem entitled but I'd wager that is no different to previous generations and that the majority just like when I was a kid and you, are simply striving to do the best they can. The world and society at large places different pressures on them.

I'm very well aware of what the EU is. It is a right wing neoliberal machine. I get it. I understand the problems it introduces. The problem is we are not deciding if we want to take part or join. We are not deciding whether to be in or out of a political experiment. We are instead deciding whether to leave and cut our access to the free market, customs union and 100 plus bilateral trade agreements with 3rd parties. That is for me the central issue. We are going to embark on a world of pain for IMHO no tangible benefits to the vast majority of people's lives. But a lot of negative issues will arise. Were we not members there is no way I'd want to join. But the reality is that isn't the question or the situation.

Finally - it doesn't do you any favours if you slur me by describing me as a marxist. I'm no marxist. Not by a long chalk. I'm more Blairite than I am a Corbynista. Corbyn has lost my support with his nonsensical stance on Europe and his dithering and inability to portray Labour as a positive and progressive forward thinking party.

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